Center for Health Communication (CHC)
Vision & Mission
Vision & Mission of CHC-RMU is based on the philosophy of shifting the nation of “healthcare for the people” to the “healthcare by the people”

Role of Communication
Communication alone can:
- Increase the intended audience’s knowledge and awareness of a health issue, problem, or solution
- Influence perceptions, beliefs, and attitudes that may change social norms
- Prompt action
- Demonstrate or illustrate healthy skills
- Reinforce knowledge, attitudes, or behavior
- Show the benefit of behavior change
- Advocate a position on a health issue or policy
- Increase demand or support for health services
- Refute myths and misconceptions
- Strengthen organizational relationships
Communication combined with other strategies can:
- Cause sustained change in which an individual adopts and maintains a new health behavior or an organization adopts and maintains a new policy direction
- Overcome barriers/systemic problems, such as insufficient access to car
In Rawalpindi Medical University, Centre for Health communication has established with the guide lines of Worthy Vice Chancellor and Dean of Community Medicine department. Here we guide medical students to develop health messages regarding area of health problem.
Health Message Development to Communication and dissemination
- Batch in charge two days prior to commencement of the batch will meet HOD/Senior faculty to discuss and finalize Topic for Health Message.
- We conduct a batch tour to CHC Room to initiate and motivate about work ahead.
- We conduct a Health Message development session in CHC Room under HOD/senior faculty
- Initial draft of Health Message will be prepared.
- Health Message will be finalized by the HOD/senior faculty.
- Health Communication/ Health Message deliverance firstly has discussed with HOD/senior faculty (site / community, method of deliverance).
- Whole record of the Health Message Development by the batch has kept and handed over to in charge CHC Dr. Sana and Dr. Narjis coordinator-CHC
- Colored copies of Health Message (4-6).
- Pics/videos of the whole activity (Process of development and communication to the community)
SOP's For Students
- Each student will communicate at least 05 persons for the given message
- Students will keep record of this health communication (recipient detail, name, age gender).
- Students will submit original record to the batch in charge in written form.
- Health Message Communication activity will be carried out under supervision of batch in charge.
Activities of 2022-23
- World Breast Feeding Week Seminar collboration with WHO on 03/08/22
- Health education session and screening for breast cancer in community and public sector universities starting from 25/10/22
- Breast Cancer Awareness seminar with self examination in RMC 6th road on 26/10/22
- Breaking the stigma of HIV/AIDS among health professionals seminar 10/12/22
- Pre conference workshop of health communication and communityengagement on 14/12/22
- Health Day Celebration ; World Cancer Day ; 15/03/23
- World Obesity day celebration at Pak Turk school on 30/03/23
- Polio prevention seminar with collaboration WHO on 15/05/23
- Health survey in Adyala jail on 02/11/22
- Health message develop during whole year
- Research work during whole year on their designated topic
- Celebrating different health days with collaboration of WHO and Allied hospitals like Hepatitis day, Breast feeding week

Batch Activities
Batch D
Two weeks with effect from 6.03.2023 to 18.03.2023.
Mondays to Thursdays 8 working days
Field visits performed
1. Field Visit to Family Planning Centre, HFH
2. Field Visit to EPI Centre, HFH
3. Field Visit to Rural Health Centre, Khayaban e Sir Syed, Rawalpindi
4. Field Visit to hospital management of Holy family hospital
5. Field Visit to department of infectious diseases
6. Field visit to hospital waste management
Topic Of Health Message/Day
- World cancer day
Day Of Presentation
- 16.3.23 Thursday
- Saba Sajid Roll No 326, Esha Tariq Roll No 349, Ahlam Roll On 348

Batch E
Two weeks with effect from 20.03.2023 to 02.04.2023 from Monday to Thursday (8 working days)
Field visits performed:
- Field Visit to Family Planning Centre, HFH
- Field Visit to EPI Centre, HFH
- Field Visit to Rural Health Centre, Khayaban e Sir Syed, Rawalpindi
- Field Visit to hospital management of Holy Family Hospital
- Field Visit to department of infectious diseases
- Field visit to hospital waste management
Topic of Health Message:
- World Obesity Day
Day of Presentation:
- 30.03.2023 Thursday
- Hareem Mahmood Roll No 70, Hamna Ali Roll No 68, Izza Qayyum Roll No 76, Neha Nayyar Roll No 120

Batch F
Batch in charge : Dr.Maimoona Saleem
Dates : 3-4-23 to 16-4-23
Health day : World health day 7-4-23
Theme of the year 2023: Health for all
Presentation: 16-4-23
Topic (i) Health for all
(ii) Sleep and its importance for health
Presenters : Faraan Afzal : Roll no 144
Sharjeel Ashraf : Roll no 267

Batch I
RMU fourth year MBBS Ward I consisting of 22 students attended community medicine rotation for two weeks from 29-05-2023 to 08-06-2023 under supervision of Dr. Bushra Farooq. Following activities were conducted during rotation.
- Introduce to health message and discussion on UHC
- Visit to Museum
- Delivery of health message on importance of non-EPI vaccination to patients in HFH
- Field visit to EPI center , HFH
- Field visit to Family planning center, HFH
- Visit to infectious department, HFH Visit to RHC
- Delivering of presentation on topic of universal health coverage to faculty of community medicine
- Making of health message on BLOOD DONATION,an act of charity in Urdu
- Date of Presentation: 08-06-2023
- Roll Number of presenters: 287, 213, 181

Batch K
Ward K comprising of 22 students was attached to Community Medicine Department for 2 weeks with effect from 25.07.2023 under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Syed Arshad Sabir. Dr. Moneeba was a continuous source of guidance and facilitated our batch throughout its attachment to the department under instructions of worthy HOD.
The short period of attachment of Batch K students with the Community Medicine Department has been undeniably academically strengthening.

Batch L
Medicine Department, RMU 4th Year MBBS Batch L comprising of 22 students was attached to Community Medicine Department for two weeks with effect from 07-08-23 to 17.08.2023 under supervision of Prof. Dr. Syed Arshad Sabir. Dr. Zaira Azhar facilitated this batch throughout its attachment in the department under instructions of worthy HOD. Throughout attachment of Batch L students, following activities were conducted.
- Introduction to the objectives of their attachment
- Visit to the Departmental Museum
- Visit to the Centre for Health Communication
- Detailed briefing about practical Journal
- Detailed briefing about household survey
- Introduction about Logbook
- Field Visit to Family Planning Centre, HFH
- Field Visit to EPI Centre, HFH
- Preparation of Community Health Message in Urdu language at CHC
- Dissemination of health message at relevant forum
- Making and delivering the scientific presentation about topic of health message in front of all faculty members of community medicine
Batch In Charge:
- Dr. Zaira Azhar
Topic of Health Day Commemorated:
- World Breast feeding week 2023.
Theme of Year 2023:
- Let”s make Breast Feeding and Work, Work.
- Date of Presentation:
- 17th august 2023
Name & Roll Number of Presenters:
- Nimrah Ishtiaq: 164
- Waleeja Maryam: 319