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Institute of Psychiatry RMU
Institute of Psychiatry is one of the largest mental health institutes in the country offering service delivery, post graduate and undergraduate training countrywide. This is the historical institution with a very bright history spanning over almost forty years and staying WHO Collaborating Center since 1980s and hence collaborating the mental health activities in the Southeast Asia. The finest mental health professionals Institute of Psychiatry has produced are serving in the National and international corridors of mental health. The teaching and training of postgraduate residents is state of the art and institute takes pride to have trained maximum number of Psychiatrists in the country. We are involved with multiple research projects in the country and abroad with a large number of publications with international universities.

Dr Muhammad Munir Ahmed
HOD Institute of Psychiatry
Institute of Psychiatry
Aims & Objectives
- To receive and treat all mental health emergencies presenting to BBH
- To provide best possible care to patients presenting to outpatient and inpatient departments
- To provide care in cycle-of-life model with specialised services for young, adults and elderly.
- To provide health professionals training and education related to mental health and behavioural sciences
- To collaborate on community programs to prevent mental illness
- To provide consultation liasion services to all departments of Rawalpindi Medical University
- To cater for the forensic mental health requirements of the district 8. To collaborate with educational and research institutes in projects and trainings enhancing patient care and health professional education
Our Experts