Allied Health Sciences
Institute of Allied Health Sciences, Rawalpindi Medical University (IAHS-RMU) is dedicated to provide health care education and clinical training to a diverse group of future leaders. Allied Health Sciences is an emerging field in our country, which has a big horizon and a good potential. Throughout the world this specialty is already proving its worth. A career dedicated to allied health sciences could see you providing diagnostic, technical, therapeutic and direct patient care and support. You will treat and provide vital assistance to patients and work with medical teams including doctors and nurses to deliver the best possible patient outcomes. At Rawalpindi Medical University, we take your potential and ambition for delivering quality health services and make it a reality. Prepare to make a difference in the lives of others and the overall health of your community, as you develop your knowledge and abilities to become a fast-thinking, highly skilled allied health professional. Institute of Allied Health Sciences, RMU is playing a key role in both public and private health care delivery systems. Currently, IAHS-RMU is offering many signature programs including:
- Doctor of Physical Therapy(DPT)
- Optometry & Orthoptics
- Orthotics & Prosthetics.
- Medical Imaging Technology
- Medical Laboratory Technology
Doctor of Physio Therapy (DPT)
Physiotherapy is a primary care, autonomous, client focused health profession concerned with enhancing mobility and quality of life by using clinical reasoning to deliver the most suitable treatment for and injury or condition, Physiotherapists help people to gain as much movement and physical independence as possible so they can resume their normal job or life style.
Physical therapy is an essential segment of modern health care system. It is a science of healing and art of caring. It pertains to the assessment, evaluation, diagnosis and treatment of musculoskeletal, Neurological, Cardio-Vascular and Respiratory systems functional disorders including symptoms of pain, edema, physiological, structural and psychosomatic ailments. It deals with evidence based methods of treatment in movement, manual therapy, physical agents, and therapeutic modalities to relieve the pain and other complications. Hence, physical therapy covers basic parameters of healing sciences ie, preventive, promotional, diagnostic, rehabilitative and curative.
Physiotherapy department of Holy Family Hospital have state of the art physiotherapy department equipped with hi-tech equipment for teaching, training and treatment facilities. The gym and cubicles consist of latest electrotherapy equipments and exercise facilities, both for male and female, whereas the class rooms are equipped with multimedia and other teaching aids of international standard. The classes will be conducted in the Department of Physiotherapy Holy Family Hospital, RMU and other Allied hospitals.
BSc Medical Imaging Techology (MIT)
Medical imaging technology is an eval Technology which encompasses a variety of advanced imaging modalities that are used in medical diagnosis and interventional procedures. Medical imaging is undergoing a revolution from analog imaging to digital imaging. It shifted from conventional x-ray to new modalities such as Magnetic Resonance imaging (MRI). Radiology departments in hospitals are being renamed as Diagnostic Imaging Departments to indicate the new modalities
BSc Optometery & Orthoptics
In Pakistan, the field of optometry has evolved over the last decade. There is a significant increase in demand of optometrists, especially with the creation of posts by Government of Punjab at teaching hospital, DHQ hospitals and THQ hospitals. There is also substantial scope for jobs in non governmental organizations to meet the requirement of the country.
The duration of the degree program will be four years. This degree program will follow the curriculum / syllabus approved by UHS with annual examination system. The B.Sc Optometry and Orthoptics course will include classroom lectures, laboratory exercises, and clinical rotations in allied hospitals of RMC, All students must complete course work within the prescribed period of the course. The students failing in any course will be given only one chance to repeat the course before starting next level class. There will be monthly term assessments. One period of one hour four to five days a week for 36 months shall be spent on interactive tutorial sessions. During these sessions, the students will participate actively in group discussions on topics designated. The rest of the time shall be spent in the out patients clinics, Students will be given good clinical exposure in the Refractions, contact lenses, low vision and Orthoptics. The Final year will be meant for on job training. This includes eight courses of Practical working with Six week blocks.
Bsc Orthotics and Prosthetics
Mobility is the first step to access basic rights including access to food, shelter, education, job/income, equal opportunities and equal citizenship. The most important components in the restoration of mobility are assistive devices such as orthoses, prostheses and mobility aids, Prosthetics and orthotics services play a major role in enabling a person with a disability to change from being immobile to becoming mobile, a passive receiver to an active contributor, and isolation to inclusion. They also help to provide further means towards equality by helping a child with disability to go to school or an adult with disability to go for skills training or income generation activities.
Department of Orthotics and Prosthetics Benazir Bhutto Hospital was established in 2005 after the Earthquake and it is one of the few rehabilitation centres which are providing quality treatment services as well as quality education to the students.
Bsc Medical Lab Technology (MLT)
Medical Laboratory Science combines the use of sophisticated instruments and techniques with the application of theoretical knowledge to perform complex procedures on tissue specimens, blood samples and other body fluids. The tests and procedures that Medical Laboratory Technologists perform provide critical information enabling physicians to diagnose, treat and monitor a patient’s condition.
Medical Laboratory Technologists (MLTs) or Medical Laboratory Scientists (MLSs) are health professionals who perform laboratory analysis and provide information to physicians. They help physicians to diagnose, screen and treat patients, as well as monitor and prevent disease. However, after attaining special specific training or practical experience or certification as medical laboratory technology is further classified and named Hematology Technologist, Histotechnologist, Cytotechnologist, Chemical Technologist, Blood Bank Technologist, Molecular Technologist, Forensic Technologist etc.
Eligibility Criteria
The candidates applying for admission in any prgram must have passed the F.Sc. Pre-Medical) examination from a Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education in Pakistan with at least 60% unadjusted marks (720/1200) or passed an examination of Foreign University/Board which in scope and standard is found equivalent to the F.Sc (Pre-Medical) examination of Pakistan subject to the following:
The applicant has passed, obtaining minimum 60 percent marks, in Higher Secondary School Certificate (HSSC) Pre-Medical Group or equivalent examination having minimum twelve years of education.
The applicant has passed an examination of a course from a foreign university or examining body or foreign education system, and such course must have been duly certified by the Inter-Boards Coordination Commission (IBCC) as equivalent to Higher Secondary School Certificate (HSSC) or Intermediate level of Pakistan with minimum 60 percent marks after equivalence.
It shall be the responsibility of the candidates having foreign qualifications to settle their cases with IBCC and should get equivalence certificate from IBCC for recognition of their qualification and score.
A candidate shall not be eligible for admission if he/she has not studied and passed the subjects of Chemistry, Biology and either Physics or Mathematics in HSSC or equivalent 12th grade examination recognized in Pakistan.
For equivalence issues, please contact IBCC Head Office in Islamabad or Regional Offices inLahore, Karachi, Peshawar, Quetta and Bahawalpur or visit Website: https://ibcc.edu.pk