Welcome To

Office of Research Innovation Commercialization (ORIC) RMU

Research is meant to be a critical thinking or an intellectual investigation to explore, observe, interpret and discover hidden scientific knowledge of a subject relevant to the requirements of a society. The goal of scientific research is to generate innovative ideas, reviewing literature, developing research protocols and proposals, and analyzing data to conduct research ethically. The importance of research contributes to knowledge and understanding of the world. Office of research, Innovation and commercialization (ORIC) work is based on such laws in promoting research culture in the universities. The main aim is to focus on innovation in research and to initiate the commercializaition of research-based products built on the market needs. The establishment of ORIC in the universities faces huge challenges as it needs to be made completely utilized for bringing innovation in research through proper systemic way following its role and importance among advanced countries across the world.

Prof. Dr. Sadaf Mumtaz

Director ORIC


To lead RMU to be the most innovative medical university by promoting world-class bio-medical research and creative research activities that will improve our health care system and social advancement.


To lead RMU to be the most innovative medical university by promoting world-class bio-medical research and creative research activities that will improve our health care system and social advancement.


Transforming RMU to drive high impact innovation, applied research, and entrepreneurship.


Transforming RMU to drive high impact innovation, applied research, and entrepreneurship.


ORIC-RMU was established in 2019

Our Team

Additional Directors

Dr. amna noor

Dr. Ahmad hassan ashfaq

Dr. sidra hamid


Dr. Kehkashan Zahid

Manager Research Operations and Development

Ms. Maham Yamin

Manager University Industry linkages and technology Transfer 

Dr. Mehwish Iqbal

Manager Intellectual property and legal service

Support Staff

Syed Anjum Raza

ORIC Support Staff

Honorable Past Members

Prof. Dr. Shagufta Sial

dr. Asma Nafisa

Dr. Asif Maqsood Butt

URAAN Pakistan

Special Initiative

Policies Developed by ORIC

External & Internal Funding

Authorship Policy

Policy on Research Misconduct

ORIC Grants






Avenue of Cooperation  


Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto Medical University , Islamabad

Training of postgraduate residents in cardiology and pediatric surgery  


Global Institute of Human Development, Islamabad

Professional development courses  


Pakistan Scientific and Technological Information Center (PASTIC), Islamabad

Joint ventures for research and training  


The Indus Hospital, Karachi

Technical support and development of the pediatric oncology unit at the holy family hospital  


Nishtar Medical University, Multan  

Research and academics


Faisalabad Medical University, Faisalabad  

Research and academics


Institute of Leadership Excellence, RIPAH University, Islamabad

Technical support and Training


Peoples University, Nawabshah, Sindh

University Residency Programs and Research Collaboration

International MoUs & Linkages

S.No University/institution Avenue of Cooperation
1 University of Liverpool, UK Global Mental Health Program
2 The Hull York Medical School, University of York, UK Medical Education, Population Health, Research, Health Sciences, joint academic programs including MS Clinical Anatomy, MHPE, M.Sc. Clinical Research Methods
3 Xian Jiaotong University, China Research, chronic disease prevention and control, maternal and child health, health policy
4 National Health Service, Northern Lincolnshire, and Goole, UK Training of Postgraduate trainees
5 Georgia State University, USA Collaboration and research in the field of Infectious Diseases
6 London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) Improve quality of health among the population of Pakistan
7 Rawalpindi Medical College Alumni Australia & New Zealand scientific and technical collaboration for theexchange of ideas, skills and techniques on problems of mutual interest
S.No University/institution Avenue of Cooperation
8 Wrightington, Wigan and Leigh NHS Foundation Trust, UK Research Collaboration
9 Digestive Diseases Centre, Beijing Friendship Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing Research Collaboration
10 Digestive Diseases Centre, Beijing Friendship Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing Research Collaboration
11 MASHA University, Malaysia (22.3.2019) Research Collaboration
12 Department of Microbiology, Dalian Medical University, China. Research Collaboration
13 John Hopkins School of Public Health, America Research Collaboration
14 University of York, UK Research Collaboration
15 The Diabetic Center, HQ in Pakistan Research Collaboration
16 Mae Fah Luang University, Thailand Research Collaboration

Faculty Projects 2023-24

Phase 1

Newly Submitted


Phase 2

Approved from ERB + BASAR

Phase 3

Approved from RPEC


Phase 4



Phase 5

Execution + Publication


Phase 6

Completion + Audit


Published: 9 Unpublished: 3

Phase x

Project not executed


Phase Y


Phase Z

Published without RMU
Sr#PhaseProject TitleInvestigatorDepartment

Start Date

End Date


1PHASE6Nutraceutical Synergy in Multi-morbidity Management: Black Seed supplementation for hypertension, diabetes, knee osteoarthritis, and anxiety - a case reportDr.Asma Umer Khayam, Prof.Dr.Akram Randhawa,Dr Haseeba Tallat

Biochemistry / pharmacology

23-Sep24-JunRMU/Allied Hospitals

Published (Case Study. Futur Med [Іnternet]. 2024;3(4): 50-56.

Available from: doi.org/10.57125/FEM.2024.12.30.05)

2PHASE6Mapping the oncological landscape: Insights from the oncology care clinic, Rawalpindi Medical University.Dr Asma Umer Khayam, Dr Qaiser Aziz, Prof Dr UmarBiochemistry/ Oncology care clinic23-Oct24-MarRMU/Allied HospitalsPublished (Mapping the Oncological Landscape: Insights from the Oncology Care Clinic at Rawalpindi Medical University | Futurity Medicine)
3PHASE6Allogenic Stem Cell Transplantation and COVID-19 Antibodies: Mechanistic Insights and Recipient ConcernsUmer, A. , Khayam, A. , Khan, N. , Greene, D. , Habiba, U. and Shamim, S.

Biochemistry / Bello Bio LLC, Scottsdale, USA.

23-Aug24-JunRMU/Allied HospitalsPublished (Allogenic Stem Cell Transplantation and COVID-19 Antibodies: Mechanistic Insights and Recipient Concerns)
4PHASE6Decoding Dengue: A comprehensive analysis of cases at holy family hospital (2019-2023) and anticipating Pakistan’s future dengue dynamics under climate change

Dr.Saira Karimi, Dr Mujeeb, Dr. Naeem, Prof Dr Umar

Department of Pathology / Infectious disease

23-Sep24-MarRMU/Allied HospitalsPublished (Decoding Dengue: A Comprehensive Analysis of Cases at Holy Family Hospital (2019–2023) and Anticipating Pakistan's )Future Dengue Dynamics under Climate Change | Journal of Islamabad Medical & Dental College
5PHASE6Magnetic Resonance Cholengio Pancreatography (MRCP) Based Diagnosis of Pancreaticobiliary Disorders: Three Years Study at a Tertiary Care Hospital

Dr.Sadia Ahmed, Prof.Dr. Muhammad Umar, Dr. Nasir Khan, Mehwish Iqbal

Department of Pathology / Radiology

23-Nov24-MarRMU/Allied HospitalsPublished (Magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (MRCP) based diagnosis of pancreaticobiliary disorders: Three years study at a tertiary care Hospital | NUST Journal of Natural Sciences)
6PHASE6A Retrospective Study of Comprehensive Analysis of Clinical Parameters in Chronic Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) Infection

Dr.Asma Umer Khayam, Dr.Saima Ambreen, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Umar

Biochemistry / Medicine

23-Nov24-AugRMU/Allied HospitalsAnticipated
7PHASE6Revealing ferritin's significance: A prognostic marker in COVID-19 at a tertiary care hospital in RawalpindiKehkshan Jabeen1*, Asma Nafisa1, Wafa Omer1, Mehwish Iqbal1,

Department of Pathology / Gastroenterology

20-Mar20-JunRMU/Allied HospitalsPublished (Revealing ferritin's significance: A prognostic marker in COVID-19 at a tertiary care hospital in Rawalpindi | NUST Journal of Natural Sciences)
8PHASE6Host immune players and their response to Hepatitis C therapiesKehkshan Jabeen,Madiha Khlaid, Sajid Mansoor, Ali Zalan, Momina Ejaz, Atika Mansoor, Aneela Javed

Department of Pathology / NUST

RMU/Allied HospitalsPublished (Host immune players and their response to Hepatitis C therapies - PubMed)
9PHASE6CALHM6: Expression Level in SARS-CoV-2 patients and its trend as the infection progresses Ali Zalan, Kehkshan Jabeen , Wajid Hussain, Bushra Khan, Muhammad Umar, & Aneela

Department of Pathology / NUST / Gastroenterology

10PHASE6Establishment of the Reference Interval of Serum Adenosine Deaminase in the Healthy Adults of Northern Punjab Pakistan Prof. Dr. Wafa OmerDepartment of Pathology (HFH)23-Oct24-AprRMU/Allied HospitalsAnticipated
11PHASE6Unraveling the Prevalence of Congenital Hypothyroidism in Neonates: A Multi-Hospital Study in Rawalpindi

Prof. Dr Saima Naz / Dr Hina- Paediatric Endocrinology)

Department of Anatomy + Paediatric Endocrinology + Pathology23-Mar26-MarRMU/Allied HospitalsAnticipated
12PHASE6Comparative analysis of CRP and Vitamin D levels:Unreveiling corelations in health parametersDr. Mehwish Iqbal/ Prof.Dr.WafaDepartment of Pathology (HFH)23-Oct24-OctRMU/Allied HospitalsAnticipated
13PHASE5A Clinical Exploration of Black Seed Oil Efficacy in Dermatophytosis: An open-ended Pilot Study.Prof.Dr.Akram Randhawa/ Dr Asma Umer Khayam/Dr Shawana Sharif

Department of Pharmacology / Biochemistry / Dermatology

23-Dec24-DecRMU/Allied HospitalsAnticipated
14PHASE4Development Of Fluorescence Spectral Fingerprints of Bacterial Clinical Isolates For Their Rapid IdentificationDr. Rabia Anjum/ supervisor-Dr NaeemDepartment of Microbiology23-Oct25-JulRMU/Allied HospitalsAnticipated
15PHASE3Comparing glycemic markers in diabetic patients with iron deficiency glycated albumin versus glycated hemoglobinDr. Asma NafisaDepartment of Pathology (HFH)23-Oct24-OctRMU/Allied HospitalsAnticipated
16PHASE3Effectiveness of pragmatic approach in treating low back pain through real-time data monitoringDr. Muhammad UmarDepartment of Allied health Sciences23-Oct24-OctRMU/Allied HospitalsAnticipated
17PHASE3Environmental Surveillance of Fungi in Intensive Care Units of Tertiary Care Hospital and its Effects on Immunocompromised PatientsDr. Khuzeema Tanveer/ Prof NaeemDepartment of Pathology(NTB)24-Aug25-FebRMU/Allied Hospitals Anticipated
18PHASE3Development of fluorescence spectra for Rapid Identification of candida species Isolated from High Vaginal Swabs in Antenatal patientsDr Tehseen RafaqatDepartment of Pathology(NTB)30-Sep30-Sep-26RMU/Allied HospitalsAnticipated
19PHASE3Unraveling the Influence of Calcium Modulators and ROS Treatment on LRIG Expression during Hepatitis B Virus Infection Dr.Kehkshan Jabeen/ Prof.Wafa OmerDepartment of Pathology (HFH)24-Aug25-FebRMU/Allied Hospitals  Anticipated
20PHASE1Assessing the Anti-hypertensive Interaction between Black Seed and Allopathic Medications: A clinical pilot studyDr Asma Umer Khayam/ Prof.Dr.Akram Randhawa

Department of Biochemistry / ORIC / Pharmacology

24-Aug25-FebRMU/Allied Hospitals Anticipated
21PHASE1Surveillance of HAI & AMR in Pakistan through IPC and antimicrobial stewardship Programme collaboration with NIH & RMUDr Afreenish,


2022 RMU/Allied HospitalsAnticipated
22PHASE1Assessment of potential health impacts of drinking water quality on academic institutions of Rawalpindi and IslamabadDr. Muhammad Ansar Ahmad Postgraduate Department of Microbiology RMU/Allied HospitalsAnticipated
23PHASE1Investigating the potential synergistic effects of Nigella sativa when used in combination with conventional antidiabetic medicationsDr Shanila RMU/Allied HospitalsAnticipated
24PHASE1Exploring the relationship between Carcinogenic Heavy metal exposure and Cancer Incidence: A blood based Biomarker study to identify Novel Risk Factors and Potential Therapeutic Targets in Newly Diagnosed Cancer PatientsDr Haq Nawaz RMU/Allied HospitalsAnticipated
25PHASExAssessment of Medicinal Plant Extract-Loaded Electrospun Nanofibers as Natural Antimicrobial Agents for Enhanced Wound Healing in Burn PatientsDr. Saira KarimiDepartment of Pathology (NTB)23-Jan24-Aug RMU/Allied HospitalsAnticipated
26PHASExIn Vitro Antifungal Screening of Black Seed Extracts on Dermatophytes Isolated from Clinical samplesDr Asma Umer Khayam/ Prof.Dr.Akram RandhawaDepartment of Biochemistry/ORIC23-Nov24-Nov RMU/Allied HospitalsAnticipated
27PHASExMolecular Genetic Studies of Autosomal Recessive Cone-Rod Dystrophies (Blindness)M.A.Faisal SultanDepartment of Biochemistry23-Nov  RMU/Allied HospitalsAnticipated
28PHASExGenetic and clinical studies for early detection of fatal Lafora disease in Pakistani population: A Case ReportDr Amna NoorDepartment of Pathology/ORIC23-Nov25-Nov RMU/Allied HospitalsAnticipated
29PHASExPre-Post and Epidemic Communication - Strategies to Improve Patient’s Health Care - Surveillance and Tracking System in Pakistan: An Integrated ModelDr. Asif / Dr. MAAF Sultan

Department of Community Medicine / ORIC

 RMU/Allied HospitalsAnticipated
30PHASExMulti-Centre epidemiological study on the incidence of hydatid disease in PakistanDr. Imran YonusDepartment of Community Medicine  RMU/Allied HospitalsAnticipated
31PHASEx Molecular Assay Development for Rapid Diagnosis of Dengue in PakistanDr Saira Karimi/ Prof. NaeemDepartment of Pathology (NTB)24-Aug25-FebRMU/Allied Hospitals Anticipated

Ongoing Projects

Sr. No.ProjectsSubmission Agency
1Artificial Intelligence based ECG.NRPU
2Investigating the Role of Smarcad1, a chromatin remodeler, in DNA repair.NRPU
3Transforming regional healthcare, Enhancing research and innovation at Rawalpindi Medical University CAREC
4Potential Project on Acotiamide drug efficacy on Pakistani Population. GETZ-Pharma
5Integrating computational and clinical approaches to evaluate semaglutide and curcumin as novel therapies for Alzheimers associated Diabetes (Type 3 Diabetes).NRPU
6Potential Project proposed by Dr. Kiran on Use of Bacteriophage in Terminally ill Patients and a Project on Photodynamic Therap.N.A

ORIC Annual Report 2023


Oric Meeting with Worthy Vice Chancellor

Minutes of Meeting

Minutes of Meeting

RMU Innovative Projects with Comsats

Representation of ORIC department at 7th RMU Conference, December 2024

Research Grant committee meeting on 2nd  November 2024

RPEC meeting – 4 projects were presented, reviewed, and discussed by committee on 2nd October 2024

Rawalpindi Medical University had the pleasure of hosting a productive session with Air University, Islamabad, diving deep into Innovation Projects. Led by Prof. Dr. Zia Mohy Ud Din and Dr. Jahanzeb Gul from the Biomedical Engineering Department, the discussion was nothing short of inspiring.

Meet our stellar RMU team:

🔹 Prof. Bushra Khaar, spearheading our innovation projects with brilliance.
🔹 Hafiz Shahid Rasool, the driving force behind our IT initiatives.
🔹 Dr. Asma Umar Khayam, our R&D Manager at ORIC RMU, bringing innovation to life.
🔹 Dr. Asif Maqsood Butt, our I&C Manager at ORIC RMU, ensuring seamless integration

An insightful workshop on “How AI Can Enhance Medical Practices”! RMU had hands-on training on an AI-based retino scanner for diabetic retinopathy detection. This was a great international collaboration with Dr. Maqsood from the USA and the RMU faculty.

A productive meeting between our esteemed PhD faculty and VC RMU to finalize PhD Projects at RMU.

RMU had the pleasure of hosting Ahsan Iqbal Chaudhary, Federal Minister of Planning, Development, and Special Initiatives and Inter Provincial Coordination. We were delighted to brief him on the innovative work being done at ORIC RMU. His appreciation reinforces our commitment to fostering research and innovation.

RMU ORIC has led a series of Research Trainings at RMU, during which ORIC had the privilege of helping our researchers polish their skills and reach new heights in their work.

Bridging the gap between Engineering, Bioinformatics Universities with Medical University, Rawalpindi. Alhamdulilah ! Successfully Moving Ahead to raise the Culture of Innovation & entrepreneurship in Rawalpindi Medical University, Rawalpindi.

Discussion on revised Intellectual Property Policy 2024 for ORIC RMU, with esteemed Vice Chancellor, Prof. Dr.Umar. 

Workshop held in collaboration with ORIC and Department of Biochemistry

Under the direction of Prof Muhammad Umar, Vice Chancellor Rawalpindi Medical University, the 1st Workshop on “RMU Faculty Digital Literacy Program” was conducted as part of the Faculty Development Program.I was honoured to be the facilitator. Objectives of the first series of workshop were
1. Essential IT literacy- Access official email address, Campus Management System and Learning Management System
2. AI Skills- Introduction to Large Language Models such as ChatGPT and use them for teaching and assessments such as MCQs
3. Research Access and Profile tools: Google Scholar, Research Gate and HEC digital library.

The Research Proposal Evaluation Committee (RPEC) has successfully evaluated an array of cutting-edge PhD projects in Biochemistry, Pharmacology, Molecular Pathology, Microbiology, and Molecular Biology at ORIC RMUoffice.
These innovative projects are geared towards strengthening Rawalpindi Medical University’s research landscape.
The diverse range of research areas reflects our commitment to advancing knowledge and addressing critical healthcare challenges.

Upcoming Events

Research Supplements