Welcome to RMU Libraries
New Teaching Block
RMU Library (NTB)
The libraries started in Rawalpindi Medical University Main Campus New Teaching Block and Allied Hospitals i.e College of Nursing Holy Family and College of Nursing District Head Quarter in present form because of concrete measures taken by the Worthy Vice Chancellor Professor Dr. Muhammad Umar.
Library New Teaching Block Rawalpindi Medical University is a multi- Specialty library designed to serve the academic & Research information needs of the MBBS Students, Allied Health Sciences Students, University Faculty, Staff, Holy Family Hospital, Benazir Bhutto Hospital, District Head Quarter Hospitals, Doctors, and Researchers.

The library has an information archive containing an extensive collection of Medical Books and available International Medical Journals & Health-related issues from various sources with the aim to support both scholarly pursuits for academic excellence and high-quality practical research in healthcare professionals. Moreover, it has a basic collection of printed and electronic books and free access to HEC databases. The library is managed by a nice blend of professionals and para-professionals. They all are well-qualified and experienced professionals, dedicated to providing high-quality innovative services.
New Teaching Block Library
The Library New Teaching Block, Rawalpindi Medical University will become the intellectual center of RMU by fully integrating its services, state-of-the-art technologies, and unique collections into all aspects of our institution.
The Library's mission is to provide comprehensive resources and services to support the learning and research needs of the University. We strive for excellence in services, building collections, and support the University’s mission to discover, preserve, and disseminate knowledge.
Library Opening Hours
- Monday – Saturday
- 8:00 am to 10:00 pm
- Friday: 8:00 am to 8:00 pm
- Friday Prayer Break: 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm
SOPs FOR LIBRARY Rawalpindi Medical University New Teaching Block (NTB)
1. All students including students of Allied Health Sciences, Rawalpindi Medical College Rawalpindi are eligible to borrow books from the library provided they have a valid library member ship card.
2. For reading purpose all students and Staff (RMU & HFH) must have valid identification card.
3. Entry is not allowed without library membership card or valid RMU identity Card.
4. Library membership card will be issued to students (MBBS, Allied Health Sciences), faculty members RMU, free of cost. If it is lost a new card will be issued on payment of Rs.50.
5. Library membership card will be issued to Senior Registrars, Trainees, Medical Officers and House Officers of Holy Family Hospital on payment of Rs.500 fee yearly.
6. Borrowing privileges of different membership categories are.
Professor | 07 | 01 Month |
Associate Professor | 06 | 03 Weeks |
Assistant Professor | 05 | 03 Weeks |
Senior Registrar | 04 | 02 Weeks |
Demonstrator’s / MO’s / PGT’s | 03 | 02 Weeks |
Student | 02 | 01 Month |
7. Faculty members are required to return book(s), one week prior to the commencement of the final examination.
8. Book(s) will be reissued if required by the member, on the next day but not reissued on the same day. Book(s) will have to be presented at the time of reissue.
9. Book (s) returned after due date. A fine of Rs.10/- per day will be charged.
10. Reference material, CD-ROMs, (original) periodicals, and newspapers will not be issued. They can be consulted within the library.
11. In case of loss or damage, the student / library member will be charged the double price of book(s) or other material.
12. In case a book is urgently required, the librarian may request for return of a book any time.
13. Library Chairman/ Library Committee is empowered to issue further instructions or permit relaxation in these rules.
14. All books, issued for reading only shall be shown to the staff on entrance counter before leaving.
15. Group discussions are not allowed in the library.
16. Eating ,drinking, smoking, sleeping, listening/watching drama or Music etc are not allowed in the library.
17. RMU and library staff will not be responsible for the reader’s personal belongings.
18. Librarian and library staff will be responsible for keeping silence in the library and to maintain the discipline.
19. All library members are requested to follow SOPs in letter& spirit.
LIBRARY IN NEW TEACHING BLOCK (NTB) Rawalpindi Medical University Rawalpindi
The infrastructure as well as in its management has inspired all those who have visited it.
The library was renovated & refurnished by the then Principal RMC Professor Dr. Muhammad Umar, after he took the charge of the office the Principal.
Rawalpindi Medical University Rawalpindi, international faculty has also given their full support, financially as well as morally to make this library meet the standards of international libraries.
With the help of international and national RMU faculty commitment and the through vision of Vice Chancellor Prof. Muhammad Umar the Library was built, brick by brick, wall by wall, wrapped in the dedication of the Rawalians.
Fact & Figures about Library- NTB
Area of Library- NTB | 130 x 30ft |
Total Books | 10595 |
International Journals | 11 |
Pakistan Journals | 14 |
Timing of Library | 8:00am to 10:00 pm |
Seats for Students | 150 |
Internet available | Wi-Fi |
No of Staff | 1 Librarian 2 Assistants Librarian 1 Naib Qasid & Sanitary Worker |
S.NO | Subject | No of Books | No of Title |
1. | Anatomy | 170 | 30 |
2. | Anesthesia | 145 | 30 |
3. | Biochemistry | 150 | 20 |
4. | Cardiology | 135 | 30 |
5. | Eear ,Nose and Throat | 140 | 19 |
6. | Dermatology | 120 | 15 |
7. | Forensic Medicine | 150 | 35 |
8. | Obstetrics / Gynecology | 80 | 60 |
9. | Pathology | 48 | 38 |
10. | Microbiology | 135 | 30 |
11. | Hematology | 30 | 15 |
12. | Immunology | 120 | 17 |
13. | Histology | 45 | 30 |
14. | Medicine | 440 | 200 |
15. | Nursing | 100 | 40 |
16. | Nutrition | 100 | 40 |
17. | Urology | 70 | 15 |
18. | Orthopedics | 147 | 30 |
19. | Ophthalmology | 350 | 60 |
20 | Pediatrics | 60 | 50 |
21 | Psychiatry | 130 | 35 |
22 | Radiology | 400 | 24 |
23 | Surgery | 1600 | 200 |
24 | Community Medicine | 550 | 140 |
25 | Pharmacology | 600 | 50 |
26 | Physiology | 358 | 135 |
27 | Medical Education | 100 | 30 |
28 | Behavior Science | 20 | 04 |
29 | Gastroenterology | 20 | 12 |
30 | Infection Disease | 120 | 15 |
New Books 2018-19 | 3395 |
| |
Grand Total | 10028 | 1449 |