RMU Golden Jubilee Celebration 2023
Rawalpindi Medical University
Launching Ceremony on 18th March 2023
Group Get Together
Get together of local chapters in Pakistan
Overseas Alumni Celebrations
Scientific Activities
Social Gatherings

Dear Rawalians,
Launching ceremony of Golden jubilee was held last night . A very well attended gathering of representatives from every batch, 1st to 50th, City representatives from Gujarat , Mandi bhau Din, Sialkot, Lahore and representative from G.P association. It was an historical gathering. Alhumdullilah a very successful event. A Rawalian from 4th batch, Honorable Health minister Govt of Punjab Dr Jamal Nasir grace the occasion as chief guest. DC Rawalpindi , Dr Hassan Waqar Cheema from 33rd Batch also attended.It was not possible without a dedicated team lead by Prof Mohammad Umar VC RMU, Prof Jahangir Sarwar Khan Principal RMU, Dr Saqib Abassi, President Rawalian and Dr Nadeem Afraz. Special thanks to Dr Arshad Ali, 4th batch who sponsored this great gathering. I am thankful to Dr Umar Zia Wariach , Dr Malik Sheryar, Dr Ali, Dr Farahan and all our batch representative, their efforts made it a big success.
Dr Imran Majeed
Secretary Organizing Committee

Rawalians Golden Jubilee Celebration 2023 

Inauguration of RMU Golden Jubilee Secretariat and Meeting of Core committee
We are pleased to announce that the year 2023 earmarks the Golden Jubilee year of esteemed existence of our institute. Year-long Celebrations will start on 18th March, 2023 followed by multiple events of overseas alumnus, group get togethers and many more activities.Main event will be held at the end of the year from 17th December to 24th December 2023. On 11th Feb 2023, Golden Jubilee Secretariat was inaugurated by Prof Muhammad Umar V.C RMU.
Dr Imran Majeed
Secretary Organizing Committee
Steps taken so far for the Golden jubilee ceremonies
Important steps taken so far for the Golden Jubilee Ceremonies
6th March, a very well attended meeting of representatives from each batch was held at RMU Old campus Tipu road Rawalpindi . Meeting was chaired by Prof Muhammad Umar V.C RMU. Participants were briefed about the steps taken so far for the Golden jubilee ceremonies. It was decided that: On 18th March, an inaugural function for Golden jubilee year will be held at 6PM in Old campus. Main events will be from 17th December till 24th December 2023. Encouraging factor in todays meeting was we had senior most representative from 2nd batch and junior most representative from 40th batch. Long live Rawalian family.
Dr Imran Majeed
Secretary Organizing Committee
Commemorative Postage Stamp

VC Signing Cards
Postal Stamps
Postal Envelope
Commemorative stamp