Welcome To
College Of Nursing RMU
Nurses are playing vital role for the welfare of our respective community. The women education is crucial to the development of nursing
profession in Pakistan. The progress made has gained increasing recognition and respect of our country. With its expanding role in modern
health care more of its members are venturing beyond the stereo type model and successful participating and restoring health, preventing
disease, injury and disability, imparting health education and functioning as an active member of the health care team.
Commitment for the Provision of enabling environment and leading opportunities for nursing students and faculty members to enhance
their professional practice.
To prepare competent health leaders with advance Nursing and provide health delivery with a focus on promoting health
quality and equity
Expand continuing education opportunities that address the needs of the nursing workforce.
Increase the scholarly productivity of faculty and students
Prepare nurses who can think critically to provide nursing care which is consistent with the standards of the nursing
Welcome To
This is my proud privilege to give this message on establishment of recently upgraded Nursing College in Holy Family Hospital. Nursing school in
Holy Family Hospital was established in 1928 by Missionaries of Philadelphia. Since that time there was no concrete system to upgrade the
nursing training at RMU & Allied Hospitals. Many efforts were done but unfortunately, not succeeded by one reason or others. Finally in 2016 our
team succeeded to approve PCI of Nursing college and arrange Budget from PLA by approval of BOM. Team tremendous effort to get the
approval from Pakistan Nursing Council & University of Health Sciences.Nursing College is state of Art college with modern class rooms, auditorium, skill lab and a huge Library. The teaching faculty is also well trained
and geared up to deliver.
I wish a great success to college students, faculty and administration.

Prof . Muhammad Umar
Vice Chancellor RMUWelcome To
Its my pleasure to welcome you all, candidates College of Nursing and Midwifery recently upgraded from School of Nursing & midwifery
which was established in the year 1928.
The primary objective of the College is to produce competent nurses to fce the challenging world of nursing and to meet the emerging health
care needs of the society. We committed to improves the standards of nursing education and strive hard to achieve quality in education while
ensuring overall development of the students. We also recognize the importance of providing supportive and simulative learning environment
using innovative teaching & learning strategies and technological advances.
The college has been accredited and approved by Pakistan Nursing Council , Islamabad and affiliated with University of Health Sciences,
I extend hearty welcome to students who joining the college and offer my best wished for success in their professional career.
Collage Of Nursing RMU
- The significant and objectives of College of Nnursing are to produce competent (trained) nurses in the health sector of Pakistan and to improve Health care facilities and health nursing education in the country.
- To provide leadership in nursing education, nursing services and in research.
- To raise the status , and image of nurses and nursing profession.
- Graduate nurses will appoint as a Charge Nurse in BPS-16 by the department of Health in Punjab and in other provinces of the country also
- With the further qualification in various fields of nursing, experience , the candidates have the opportunity for bright future up to BPS-20 Post Basic training in various fields of nurses sciences will be provided at the College of Nursing
- Scholarships for specialization and future education at M.Sc and postgraduate level are provided by the Govt. of Punjab in correspondence with the foreign agencies in abroad.
- Stipend for four years B.Sc Generic Nursing is provided by Govt. of the Punjab, Specialized Healthcare & Medical Education department
- 1070 bedded tertiary care teaching hospital, attached to Rawalpindi Medical College Rawalpindi with average census of 900 per day
- Hospital was established in 1927 by the Christian mission of Philadelphia at Murree Road, Rawalpindi. It was designed by an Italian Architect, prisoner of World War II.
- The hospital was shifted to the present premises in 1946.
- In 1977, the hospital was taken over by the Punjab Health Department and affiliated with Rawalpindi Medical College as a teaching hospital.
Poster Presentations
Original article on “Comparison of
efficacy of two different doses of
famciclovir in the prevention of
postherpetic neuralgia at 20th Dubai
world dermatology and laser
conference (DUBAI DERMA - 2019)
organized by index conferences and
exhibitions, UAE
Presented a poster on the original article “Clinical efficacy of topical Clotrimazole vs
Combination of Isoconazole nitrate with diflucortolone valerate in Tinea Corporis” at 1st
faculty research conference RMU (Shawana Sharif - 2019)
st position in case report poster presentation at 2nd faculty research conference RMU
(Shawana Sharif - 2020)
Oral Presentations
Speaker of oral presentation on “Comparison of efficacy of two different doses of famciclovir in the prevention of
postherpetic neuralgia at 38th Pakistan association of dermatologist conference 2019 (Shwana Sharif – 2019).
Speaker at first faculty research conference RMU on topic “Efficacy of low dose famciclovir in the prevention of postherpetic neuralgia organized by RMU Rawalpindi (Shawana Sharif - 2019).
First position in original article oral presentation at 2nd research conference RMU organized by RMU, Rawalpindi (Shawana Sharif - 2020).
Speaker on the topic “Epidermolysis Bullosa” on the event organized by Debra Pakistan, Debra international & RMU (Shawana Sharif - 2020).
Speaker in an academic seminar “COVID Cutaneous manifestation and use of biologics” organized by Capital Hospital Islamabad (Shawana Sharif - 2021).
Speaker in the international 40th PAD CON on the topic “Cutaneous manifestation of COVID-19 in Pakistan” (Shawana Sharif - 2021)
Speaker at first faculty research conference RMU on topic “Efficacy of low dose famciclovir in the prevention of postherpetic neuralgia organized by RMU Rawalpindi (Shawana Sharif - 2019).
First position in original article oral presentation at 2nd research conference RMU organized by RMU, Rawalpindi (Shawana Sharif - 2020).
Speaker on the topic “Epidermolysis Bullosa” on the event organized by Debra Pakistan, Debra international & RMU (Shawana Sharif - 2020).
Speaker in an academic seminar “COVID Cutaneous manifestation and use of biologics” organized by Capital Hospital Islamabad (Shawana Sharif - 2021).
Speaker in the international 40th PAD CON on the topic “Cutaneous manifestation of COVID-19 in Pakistan” (Shawana Sharif - 2021)
Poster Presentations
Second position in original article
poster presentation at first Rawalian
resident research conference organized
by Rawalpindi medical university,
Rawalpindi (Amir Saleem - 2018)
First position in original article poster
presentation at 19th Dubai world
dermatology & laser conference (Dubai derma 2019) organized by index conferences and
exhibitions, UAE (Amir Saleem – 2019)
Co-relation between quality of life and disease severity in Psoriasis (Zainab -2019)
Efficacy of intralesional vitamin D3 in treatment of cutaneous warts (Uzma -2019)
Comparison between oral tranexemic acid with flucinolone based triple combination
cream vs flucinolone based triple combination cream alone in the treatment of melasma
Oral Presentations
Speaker of oral presentation on “effect of acne on self esteem and psychological morbidity- data from a tertiary
care hospital in Pakistan” at 38th Pakistan association of dermatologist conference 2019 (Amir Saleem – 2019)
Focal person of resident research forum of Rawalpindi medical university dermatology department (Amir Saleem – 2019).
2 nd position in original article oral presentation at 3rd Rawalian resident research conference organized by Rawalpindi medical university Rawalpindi (Amir Saleem – 2020).
Focal person of resident research forum of Rawalpindi medical university dermatology department (Amir Saleem – 2019).
2 nd position in original article oral presentation at 3rd Rawalian resident research conference organized by Rawalpindi medical university Rawalpindi (Amir Saleem – 2020).
- Infrastructure College of Nursing & Midwifery, Holy Family Hospital, Rawalpindi is as under
- This Institution is under the Administrative Control of Secretary Government of the Punjab, SHC & ME Department & Financial Control under the Vice Chancellor, Rawalpindi Medical University, Rawalpindi.
- 5 floors are fully equipped & functional with following infrastructure including Administration & Nursing Hostel.
- Administrative Block
- Lecture Hall= 04 with 100 student capacity.
- SGD Room= 08
- Science Lab= Shairing with Holy Family Hosp,
- Library= capacity 30-50 students
- Computer lab= capacity 20 students
- Mess = capacity 50 students
- T.V Lounge= for 100 to 200 students
- Pray Room= for 100 to 200 students.
- Residential Rooms= 156