clinicopathological conferences (CPC)


CPC is a case-based learning method in medicine which utilizes a problem-solving approach centered on deductive reasoning and clinicopathological correlation. It emphasizes the step-by-step progression of a patient’s clinical presentation toward a refined differential diagnosis, rather than immediately determining a definitive diagnosis. This method differs distinctly from Grand Rounds, where the discussion primarily involves reviewing a patient’s clinical issues and treatments to highlight recent medical innovations and advances.

History of CPCs at RMU

The Clinicopathological Conference (CPC) at RMU’s old campus was initially introduced as a monthly event, with two cases presented in each session. The first CPC, held in 2000, was presented by SU-I BBH and focused on pheochromocytoma and Conn’s disease. In 2003, the Academic Council recommended increasing the frequency to weekly CPCs.

According to the current structure, the CPC is held weekly with the first two CPCs of each month presented by the Medicine & Allied departments, while the following two are presented by the Surgery & Allied departments. Each department is required to present one or two CPCs annually. The cases selected typically feature rare diseases, unusual presentations of common conditions, or cases that are challenging to diagnose.

Schedules & Topic Directory

Case Presentations (2024)

CPC Faculty Attendance