Recent Events

PRE conference workshop on leadership skills

Hand on workshop portfolio and personal development skills

Cardiac first response workshop for University residents is in progress in DME conference room of RMU NTB

RMU Pre-Conference Workshop 2022

Hands-On Workshop on “Club Foot Management” by the Department of Orthopaedics, Benazir Bhutto Hospital (BBH) held on 13th December 2022 (Tuesday).

Computed Tomography in head and neck a radiologists perspective

Workshop on Computed Tomography of Head & Neck- Radiological prospective

Dermal fillers an anti aging modality

2nd Annual Master Class Pre Conference Workshop on Laparoscopic Bariatric Surgery

Workshop on linking Clinical Audit with Robson classification

Pre conference workshop on synopsis writing

Pre Conference Workshop on Placenta Accreta Spectrum Symposium

Workshop of FAST IN TRAUMA bu surgical Deptt B.B.H

Pre-conference Seminar Breaking The Stigma of HIV/AIDS AMONG HEALTH PROFESSIONALS


Synopsis writing workshop for University residents is in progress in Dean's Hall of RMU main campus

Kmc workshop 6th Dec DHQ teaching hospital, Rawalpindi

RMU BASAR meeting approved 15 Reseach projects for university residents

GB team visiting RMU & Health minister signing MOU for starting of Training of postgraduates


Synopsis writing workshop for University residents is in progress in Dean's Hall

Meeting of journal of RMU evaluation committee

Hand on Workshop on Basic Practical Skill of Colonoscopy

Workshop on KANGAROO Mother Care


Institute of psychiatry child psychology socio emotional development and behavioural management strategies in classroom

Workshop on labour care guide organized by Gynae unit 2 Hfh under supervision of Prof. Tallat Farkhanda

Basic laparoscopic skills handson workshop conducted by department of surgery BBH.

Alhamadolillah RMU is Fast growing Medical University & now become the Highest & Diversely Publishing University of Pakistan . This is the latest issue of Student Journal solely Editors & published by Students . This is part of RMU Research Culture

Labour care guide new generation program of WHO

Student Activities

Addressing Mental Health & Addiction with policy Makers & Stakeholders

Preconference Handout on Workshop

26 th Nov RCEM preside Andrian Boyle RCEFP Certificate Ceremony in RMU

President Royal college Emergency Medicine Prof Adrian Boyle visited RMU for 2 days ,RMU is only University started Emergency Foundation Program since 2019 . President along with VIce Chancellor awarding Degrees to successful candidates in RMU

Block -2 examination of first year MBBS of Anatomy Physiology and Biochemistry in progress at main campus Rawalpindi Medical University. 28th November 2022 Prof.Samia

Inauguration ceremony of Emergency Surgical Theatre in Holy Family Hospital

*Annual Program Review Panel Meeting (APRP), Medicine and allied BBH:* Alhamdulilah RMU is the first ever public university who has introduced a robust system for the active monitoring of the Postgraduate training. In this context, Vice Chancellor, RMU chaired the meeting arranged by the UTMC, QEC and Research unit at BBH library for discussion of Medicine and Allied hospital.

Welcome RCEM (UK) Faculty Emergency Medicine Foundation Program RMU

Conducting interviews at TB Sanatorium Murree as member of Special Selection board along with MS TB Sanatorium Murree, Assistant Commissioner Murree, Director Finance Rawal institute of Cardiology Rawalpindi and Consultant pulmonologist of TB Sanatorium Murree. The five days activity.

Inauguration of PhD Program

3rd Annual Faculty Research Conference 2022

Inaguration of PHD Programs Fall 2022

Pancreatic Clinic Cancer Awareness

Inauguration of Research Cell in RMU &Vision 2021