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Name Of The Department RMU
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DesignationName of the Dept
Aims & Objectives
- Aim & object of the Department
- Aim & object of the Department
- Aim & object of the Department
- Aim & object of the Department
- Aim & object of the Department
- Aim & object of the Department
- Aim & object of the Department
Disease Research projects
The idea of disease Project is based on patient care approach and it’s the holistic review, which will encompass its prevalence, mode of presentation along with other demographic details, epidemiological review, interpretation of data, devise local guidelines based on audit, community awareness, innovation and grants for research.
Fellowship/ University Research Thesis
These are the projects which are required for completion of residency program/CPSP residents will write articles for completion of their college requirement
Research literature-based Academics
It consists of approaching the academic topics and comparing the standard practices with recent advancements
Clinical Audit/Quality Improvement Projects
Quality improvement projects focusing on improved patient care according to our own setup.
Systemic and critical analysis of quality of clinical care, this includes
procedures used for diagnosis and treatment, the associated use of
resources and the effect of care on the outcome and quality of life for
the patient.
Poster Presentations
Oral Presentations
Speaker at first faculty research conference RMU on topic “Efficacy of low dose famciclovir in the prevention of postherpetic neuralgia organized by RMU Rawalpindi (Shawana Sharif - 2019).
First position in original article oral presentation at 2nd research conference RMU organized by RMU, Rawalpindi (Shawana Sharif - 2020).
Speaker on the topic “Epidermolysis Bullosa” on the event organized by Debra Pakistan, Debra international & RMU (Shawana Sharif - 2020).
Speaker in an academic seminar “COVID Cutaneous manifestation and use of biologics” organized by Capital Hospital Islamabad (Shawana Sharif - 2021).
Speaker in the international 40th PAD CON on the topic “Cutaneous manifestation of COVID-19 in Pakistan” (Shawana Sharif - 2021)
Poster Presentations
Oral Presentations
Focal person of resident research forum of Rawalpindi medical university dermatology department (Amir Saleem – 2019).
2 nd position in original article oral presentation at 3rd Rawalian resident research conference organized by Rawalpindi medical university Rawalpindi (Amir Saleem – 2020).
Volunteer Work
1. Active member of COVID task force RMU, collected more than 300 PPEs and masks through donations for front line workers
2. Active part of RMU flood relief program