RMU Family Planning Center

Family health clinic is serving the community in the field of reproductive health . The facility is providing a full range of family planning methods including services of men advisory center and mobile service for serving far flung areas .
Being a training center , the facility is actively imparting training in family planning methods to doctors and paramedics of the whole region of Rawalpindi including district Mianwali , Attock , Jhelum and Islamabad as well.
The facility is also actively engaged in behavior change communication activities (SBCC) including
- Radio programmes
- Lectures / orientation sessions at schools and colleges regarding adolescent health issues.
- Premarital counseling sessions with influential members of the community including doctors , paramedics , ulema ,lawyers ,media persons and other segments of society .
The facility provides family planning counseling and methods including all temporary and permanent methods of family planning . These services are free of cost and are provided by highly competent staff and doctors .
The men’s advisory center is providing services to men including vasectomy services .
Family health mobile unit rawalpindi is also operating from this facility and is responsible for providing reproductive health services to far flung areas of the community .