Research and Development
Vice Chancellor Note

Prof. Dr. Muhammad Umar (Sitara-e-Imtiaz)
Vice Chancellor Rawalpindi Medical University & Allied Hospitals
As a Vice Chancellor of Rawalpindi Medical University, the mere realization that RMU IS STRIVING HARD TO TAKE LEAD in public sector institutions for academic excellence, research and innovation gives me immense pride. Rawalpindi Medical University has taken the initiative of establishing state of the art research unit and development of Research curricula, research planer, and research guide for university residents in harmony with latest global advancement in medical training. Our aim is to create a centre of excellence for future endeavoursfor innovations in research and medical educationhaving the strong impact on health care service delivery and national health. Our mission is to promote evidence based practices and professionalism for agreater good for humanity
Research Mission
Truth is the bedrock of all scientific inquiry. Our primary duty is to uncover and disseminate truth which may be a challenging endeavour. This commitment ensures integrity of scientific research. Keeping truth as a priority ,we contribute to research which is reliable, replicable and actionable, thus laying the foundation of research and innovation
Wisdom transcends knowledge. Wisdom implies judicious application of research. It requires multidisciplinary approach and insight for anticipating and resolving various clinical challenges
Service is the ultimate expression of research utilised for betterment of humanity. Researchers translate their findings into practical solutions. It also contributes to develop new interventions and policies to address real world issues. Mentoring the next generation of scholars to enhance scientific literacy and enhancing societal progress is the ultimate sublime aim
Our Team
Sr | Name | Designation | Qualification |
1 | Dr Farrah Pervaiz | Assistant Professor (Additional Director R&D) | MSPH, PhD Fellow |
2 | Dr Haq Nawaz | Assistant Professor (Coordinator R&D) | PhD |
3 | Dr Sara Rafi | Senior Demonstrator | FCPS |
4 | Dr Abdul Qudoos | Senior Demonstrator | MPH |
Research Model RMU
Research Model of Rawalpindi Medical University aspires to establish

itself as a premier institutional model for innovative research training and evidence based patient care with prominence among peer institutions.The strategic research goals of RMU constitute of establishment and maintenance of Self Sustainable Model for high impact institutional research.
Research Unit of RMU
The Research Unit of Rawalpindi Medical university was first established in February 2014. It was initially located at liver centre of Holy Family Hospital but in December 2015, then it was shifted to Department of Medical Education, New teaching Block of RMU. At present it is situated in a completely renovated purposed built unit within the main campus of RMU where it was inaugurated on 10<sup>th</sup> March 2021. The core team of the research unit comprises of the director research, the additional and assistant directors, statistical expert and concerned IT staff. Together, this team facilitates research activities at all levels of the university be-it under graduate, post graduate, residents, visitors, all faculty members and international collaborative research projects. Research Unit is carrying out all the following research related activities:
- Administration of all research related activities of Rawalpindi Medical University and Allied Hospitals.
- Facilitation and guidance of undergraduates, post graduate trainees ,university residents and faculty of RMU regarding Health Systems Research e.g. research proposal formulation, basic and advanced research methodologies, data entry, analysis& interpretation and manuscript writing.
- At the research unit, individual and group consultations regarding topic selection, literature search, referencing system, plagiarism detection, research proposal formulation, study methods and materials, sample size calculation, sampling technique, selection of study variables, data collection tools, data collection techniques, pretesting, pilot study, data entry & analysis, manuscript writing etc are provided. Free of cost individual or groups counselling and assistance is being provided to all undergraduates, post graduate trainees, faculty and even visitor researchers of RMU.
- Research Unit also provides facilitation to visitor researchers and collaborative researchers of RMU through (ORIC) THE OFFICE OF RESEARCH INOVATION AND COMMERCIALIZATION., to present at IRF and conduct studies at RMU and Allied hospitals, along with progress monitoring by ORIC team.
- Research workshops and training courses are regularly conducted by Research Unit.
Institutional Research Forum/Ethical Review Board
The Institutional Research Forum of RMU was established by Prof Muhammad Umar, the Vice Chancellor of RMU. Since January 2014 all the research activities of RMU and Allied Hospitals and collaborative research is being facilitated.
Institutional Research Forum meeting is held every month to oversee various aspects of research related activities, their quality assurance, ethical approval and appraisal of all the research studies of all cadres and department of RMU. Any researched intended to conduct research project or data collection at our RMU and Allied Hospitals have to get approval from IRF of RMU.
VC Prof. Muhammad Umar
Prof. Hamama-Tul-BushraKhaar
Prof. Shagufta Sial
Prof. Shagufta Sial
Prof. Jahangir Sarwar Khan
Prof. Syed Irfan Ahmed
Prof. Mohammad Khurram
Prof. Naeem Akhtar
Prof. Syed Arshad Sabir
Prof. Asad Tameezuddin
Dr. Faiza Aslam
Dr. Ahmed Hassan Ashfaq
Dr. Hina Mehmood
Dr. Abdul Qudoos
Dr. Shazia Zeb
Liaison Officer IREF (Dy.Dir DME)
Dr. Uzma Hayat
Research Coordinator
Mr. Usman Khalil
Member( community rep)
Mr. Mohammad Tariq
Member legal
Mr.Aamir Afzal
The standard procedure is as follows:

- The resident has to download the relevant Research Application Performa from the official website of RMU (rmur.edu.pk/research/research forums/downloads/Research Application Performa for Post Graduate Trainees of RMU)
- After filling it in electronically and after endorsement by supervisor/Head of department/resident, five copies along with research proposal, data collection tool and research supervisory certificate (sample attached in appendix) should be submitted at research unit of RMU, as per time line given in relevant pathway.
- Then applicants had to make a five minutes presentation on PowerPoint and present at the monthly meeting of ethical review board (IRF) for approval that is held every month.
- After approval from ethical review board, the synopsis presented to the BASR (Board of Advance Studies and Research).
- It is mandatory that the synopsis is approved from the BASR before start of data collection and thesis.
- Approval of IRB Letter of sample is attached in the appendix.