Welcome To

Institute of Psychiatry BBH

        The Institute of Psychiatry, an academic unit of Rawalpindi Medical College, was established in 1973 as the Department of Psychiatry at Central Government Hospital, Rawalpindi (now known as Benazir Bhutto Hospital). It has grown over the years to achieve international recognition for not only filling a critical gap in mental health services in Pakistan but also being a pioneering center for psychiatric care, education, and research in the country. This includes involvement in policy planning, mental health legislation, the development of mental health services, and the training of mental health professionals. The Institute also initiated teaching programs at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels and engages in research and evaluation. Furthermore, it is recognized as a center of excellence for postgraduate training in psychiatry within the country and proudly holds the distinction that the majority of the prominent fellows of Psychiatry of College of Physicians and Surgeons of Pakistan have, at some point, received training within its corridors.

Following is a summary of the key milestones achieved by the Institute of Psychiatry over the years:


Prof. Dr. Asad Tamizuddin Niazmi



By providing the standardized mental health preventive care and training, we are determined to transform the society with comprehensive mental health care


By providing the standardized mental health preventive care and training, we are determined to transform the society with comprehensive mental health care


The Institute of Psychiatry is determined to provide comprehensive nationwide services to the patients and training the experts in mental health and hence facilitating them to resume their roles towards a healthy society


The Institute of Psychiatry is determined to provide comprehensive nationwide services to the patients and training the experts in mental health and hence facilitating them to resume their roles towards a healthy society

Our Team

1Professor Dr Asad Tamizuddin NizamiProfessor & Chairman Institute of Psychiatry MBBS MCPS (HPE) FCPS
2Dr Muhammad KashifAssociate ProfessorMBBS; MCPS; FCPS
3Dr Muhammad Azeem KhanAssociate ProfessorMBBS, MPH, FCPS
4Dr Mahmood Ali KhanAssistant ProfessorMBBS: MCPS: FCPS
5Dr Sadia YasirAssistant ProfessorMBBS: FCPS
6Dr Zona TahirAssistant ProfessorMBBS, FCPS
7Dr Sara AfzalSenior RegistrarMBBS, FCPS
8Dr Mehboob Ali ShahConsultant PsychiatristMBBS, FCPS
9Dr Abdul GhafoorConsultant PsychiatristMBBS, MCPS
10Dr Aamna ShakilConsultant Psychiatrist MBBS, MCPS


Sr #TitleDateStudy site & SettingPrincipal InvestigatorDepartment / Hospital
1Liver function abnormalities in schizophrenic patients2022Psychiatry DepartmentDr Hina AsifDepartment of Psychiatry, BBH, RWP
2Prevalence and Typology of Somatic Symptoms in Depression2022Psychiatry DepartmentDr Sara AfzalDepartment of Psychiatry, BBH, RWP
3Frequency of suicidal ideation among students of a government medical university2022Psychiatry DepartmentDr Haris KamranDepartment of Psychiatry, BBH, RWP
4Relationship between hepatitis and severity of depression and its impact on quality of life2022Psychiatry DepartmentDr Azfar MaqsoodDepartment of Psychiatry, BBH, RWP
5Is deranged lipid profile related to suicidal ideation in patients’ bipolar affective disorder2022Psychiatry DepartmentDr Zahid HanifDepartment of Psychiatry, BBH, RWP
6Assessment of internalized stigma and its association with socio-demographic factors in remitted bipolar disorder2022Psychiatry DepartmentDr Bahjat NajeebDepartment of Psychiatry, BBH, RWP
7Comparison of Cognitive Dysfunction in moderately and severely Depressed patients2022Psychiatry DepartmentDr Amir SohailDepartment of Psychiatry, BBH, RWP
8Frequency of anxiety and depression in pregnant women presenting in outpatient department during COVID-19 pandemic; Prevalence and factors associated with stress, anxiety and depression among health care workers treating diagnosed corona cases2022Psychiatry DepartmentDr Liaqat Ali KhanDepartment of Psychiatry, BBH, RWP
9Association between hypertension and diabetes mellitus and depression and its impact on quality of life2022Psychiatry DepartmentDr Saad Ullah KhanDepartment of Psychiatry, BBH, RWP


Sr #TitleStatusPrincipal InvestigatorDepartment / Hospital
1Baseline survey of prevalence of physical illnesses and health-seeking behavior in SMI patients (SMI Study)CompletedProf Asad NizamiDept of Psychiatry, BBH
2CMD-NCD intervention study with packages of behavior change interventions for patients of non-communicable diseases with common mental disorder (BEACON)CompletedProf Asad NizamiDept of Psychiatry, BBH
3Happy Mother Healthy BabyCompletedDr Atif RehmanDept of Psychiatry, BBH
4SMI-LIFE STYLE Intervention study with packages of behavior change interventions targeting the modifiable health risk behaviors (tobacco use) IMPACT 4S StudyCompletedProf Asad NizamiDept of Psychiatry, BBH


Sr #Title of presentationName of PresenterTitle of ConferenceVenueDate
1Guest LectureProf Atif Rahman, Professor of Child Psychiatry, Liverpool University, UKGuest LectureDepartment of Psychiatry, BBH, RWP21/10/22
2Guest LectureDr Shahzad Ali, Vice Chancellor, Health Services AcademyGuest LectureDepartment of Psychiatry, BBH, RWP28/10/22


Sr #Title of Research Course/WorkshopsName of PresenterDateVenue
1World Mental Health Day & Launch of President School Mental Health ProgrammeProf Malik H. Mubbashar
Prof Atif Rahman
Dr Zafar Mirza
and Prof Asad
10/10/19Department of Psychiatry, BBH, RWP
2Training of Staff by Institute of Psychiatry, Rawalpindi Medical University17/05/20COVID Hospital (RIUT)
3Series of Workshops Allied Hospitals During COVID - Facilitated by Institute of Psychiatry and attended by RMU Allied Hospitals staff19/05/20Department of Psychiatry, BBH, RWP
4World Mental Health Day & Launch of President School Mental Health ProgrammeProf Muhammad Umar
Prof Asad
10/10/20Department of Psychiatry, BBH, RWP
5World Mental Health Day & Launch of President School Mental Health ProgrammeProf Abdul Wahab Yousafzai
Prof Muhammad Umar
Prof Asad
10/10/21Department of Psychiatry, BBH, RWP
6Health Care Quality ManagementDr Azeem RaoOctober, 2021Department of Psychiatry, BBH, RWP
7Stress Management Workshop HFHAzeem RaoAugust, 2022Department of Psychiatry, BBH, RWP
8Communication Skills Workshop, University Residency ProgrammeDr M. Azeem RaoSeptember, 2022Department of Psychiatry, BBH, RWP
9World Mental Health DayProf Fareed Minhas
Dr Zafar Mirza
Dr Muhammad Munir Ahmed
10/10/22Department of Psychiatry, BBH, RWP

PUBLICATIONS (International)

Sr #TitleName of AuthorsName of JournalVolumeYear
1Knowledge about Occupational Therapy among People in Saudi ArabiaMeny AH
Hayat AA
Ain QU
Tariah HS
Almarhoon AJ
Eldigire MH
Ahmed S
2Seeing the unforeseen: an insight into kingdom-wide psychological impact of COVID-19 pandemicHayat AA
Meny A
Hamdan QU
Sami W
Albadrani G
European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences26(16)2022
3Measuring readiness for self-directed learning in medical undergraduatesAlradini F
Ahmad N
Kahloon LE
Javaid A
Al Zamil N.
Adv Med Educ Pract132022


Sr #TitleName of AuthorsName of JournalVolumeYear
1Rehabilitation services at a tertiary care Psychiatric unit – a collaborative model of developing services between private and public sectorKhan Shahida
Minhas Fareed Aslam
JPPS16 (1)2019
2Effect of laparoscopic cholecystectomy on serum levelsFaiza MujeebJMRU22(1)2019
3Pattern of fast-food consumption among medical students and its association with obesityFaiza MujeebJMRU22(1)2019
4Correlation of academic performance of medical students with their attendanceFaiza MujeebJMRU22(2)2019
5Affecting Happiness among Students of Rawalpindi Medical University: A Cross-Sectional StudyJaved H
Arshad D
Dhillon AI
Rishi AI
Zaidi SM
Kashif M.
6Psychiatry as a Career ChoiceAmna Awais
Neha Nadeem
Muhammad Kashif Mehmood
7Relationship of suicide attempt with depression and other socio-demographic factors among the trans-gendersZubair UB
Khan MA
Jalil A
Kamal A
Nizami A
Minhas F
Tasleem S
8Prevalence of suicide ideation and its relationship with depression among the transgender populationRao Azeem UB
Jalil A
Kamal A
Nizami A
Minhas F
9Magnitude of Neurocognitive Impairment and Severity of Depression in the Geriatric PopulationYasir S
Yasir SB
Haider N
Fatima S
Mazhar M
Chaudhry S
Nizami AT
10Prevalence and correlates of depression among the trans-genders of Pakistan.Khan MA
Jalil A
Zubair UB
Tasleem S
ul Haq I
Afzal S
11Frequency and Severity of Primary Dysmenorrhoea in Adolescent FemalesShahid A
Tariq M
Sulamam H
Bano S
Habib SA
12Burnout Amongst Doctors of Obstetrics and Gynecology Department at RMU and Allied Hospitals During Covid-19 Pandemic – Cross Sectional SurveyIqbal K
Ahmed S
Kahloon LE
Noureen H
Iftikhar T
Bilqees H
13Perinatal Outcome of Twins Delivered Vaginally in a Tertiary Care HospitalZulfiqar A
Sadaf M
Abbasi A
Ashraf S
Ashraf O
14Role of Modified Biophysical Profile in Prediction of Fetal AsphyxiaSadiq N
Shabana N
Haq AI
Bashir S
Waheed N
Faisal J
15Association Between Irregular Labour Pains and Meconium in Low-Risk Pregnancies (JRMC 31 Dec 2021; 25(4):544-547)Haq AI
Bashir S
Sadiq N
Shabana N
Waheed N
Aqsa U
16Emergency Trends in Peripartum Hysterectomy; A High Alert in ObstetricsIkram Haq A
Sadiq N
Bashir S
Waheed N
Shabana N
Aqsa U
17Perinatal Outcome in Women at Term with Reduced Fetal MovementsBashir S
Naizi Q
Sadiq N
Khalil AK

List of Researchers

SrNameResearch Topic
1Ayesha Habib, Sadia Yasir, Asad Tamizuddin Nizami, Muhammad Hanif, Aroha TabassumMixed Affective Disorder in a Patient with Complicated Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia: A Case Report
2Ayesha Habib, Muhammad Kashif, Asad Tamizuddin NizamiDysgeusia Associated with Use of Sodium Valproate in Bipolar Disorder: A Case Report
3Muhammad Faisal Amir Malik, Bahjat Najeeb, Asad Tamizuddin Nizami, Marium Javed, Muhammad KashifPerception and Knowledge of Electro-Convulsive Therapy among Young Physicians in Pakistan
4Bahjat Najeeb, Muhammad Faisal Amir Malik, Asad Tamizuddin Nizami, Muhammad UsmanDelirium in Liaison Psychiatry at a Tertiary Care Hospital in a Developing Country
5Saneea Shehzad, Qurrat Ulain Hamdan, Muhammad Usman, InshirahPrevalence of Problematic Internet Use among Children and Adolescents presenting in Child Mental Health Unit of a Tertiary Care Hospital
6Ayesha Jamil, Asad Tamizuddin Nizami, Laiba EjazFrequency of Thyroid Dysfunction in Patients with Unipolar and Bipolar Depression
7Mahinoor Mirza, Asad Tamizuddin Nizami, Tehreem Arshad, Kinza Fatima, Kainat Kareem Mirza, Humera RizwanKnowledge and Attitude towards Family Planning Methods among Married Women of Rawalpindi
8Ayesha Nasir, Asad Tamizuddin Nizami, Mahmood Ali JafriPrevalence of Depression in Primary Caregivers of Children with Intellectual Disabilities in a Tertiary Care Hospital (Dissertation)
9Bahjat Najeeb, Asad Tamizuddin NizamiAssessment of internalized stigma and its association with sociodemographics in remitted bipolar disorder (Dissertation)
10Ifrah Javed Malik, Asad Tamizuddin NizamiPerceived Stress and its Correlation with Psychological Morbidity in Postgraduate Medical Residents (Dissertation)
11Mehvish Batool, Qurrat Ulain Hamdan, Sadia YasirComparative Frequency of Anxiety and Depression in Children with Non-Communicable Diseases (Dissertation)
12Maryam Javed, Qurrat Ulain, Hawash Butt, Nawal AliMental Health and Quality of Life in Children and Adolescents with HemophiliAa
13Ayesha Ijaz, Asad Tamizuddin NizamiPrevalence of Depression in Patients of Hepatitis C and its Impact on Quality of Life

List of Projects

SerialHospitalDepartmentName of FacultyDesignationTitle of articles in Vancouver style
1Benazir Bhutto Hospital, RawalpindiInstitute of PsychiatryProfessor Asad Tamizuddin NizamiProfessor of Psychiatry & Chairman Institute of PsychiatryFaisal Rashid Khan, Asad Tamizuddin Nizami, Naveed Gani, Israr ul Haq(2018) Genetics of Depression – Frequency of Allelic Variation of Serotonin Transporter Gene (5HTT) Among Patients with Depression
2Benazir Bhutto Hospital, RawalpindiInstitute of PsychiatryProfessor Asad Tamizuddin NizamiProfessor of Psychiatry & Chairman Institute of PsychiatryAsad Tamizuddin Nizami, Tariq Mahmood Hassan, Saadia Yasir, Mowaddat Hussain Rana, and Fareed Aslam Minhas. (2018) Terrorism in Pakistan: the psycho social context and why it matters
3Benazir Bhutto Hospital, RawalpindiInstitute of PsychiatryProfessor Asad Tamizuddin NizamiProfessor of Psychiatry & Chairman Institute of PsychiatryFahim M, Khan FA, Nizami AT (2017) Frequency of Depression in Mothers of Learning Disabled Children
4Benazir Bhutto Hospital, RawalpindiInstitute of PsychiatryProfessor Asad Tamizuddin NizamiProfessor of Psychiatry & Chairman Institute of PsychiatryTariq Hassan, Asad Tamizuddin Nizami, M Selim Asmer (May 2017) Forensic Psychiatric Service Provision in Pakistan and its Challenges
5Benazir Bhutto Hospital, RawalpindiInstitute of PsychiatryProfessor Asad Tamizuddin NizamiProfessor of Psychiatry & Chairman Institute of PsychiatryTariq Hassan, Asad Tamizuddin Nizami, Sarah Hijri (2015) Forensic Psychiatry in Pakistan.
6Benazir Bhutto Hospital, RawalpindiInstitute of PsychiatryProfessor Asad Tamizuddin NizamiProfessor of Psychiatry & Chairman Institute of PsychiatryAsad Tamizuddin Nizami, Mowaddat Hussain Rana, Tariq Mahmood Hassan and Fareed Aslam Minhas. (April 2014) Terrorism in Pakistan: A Behavioral Sciences Perspective.
7Benazir Bhutto Hospital, RawalpindiInstitute of PsychiatryProfessor Asad Tamizuddin NizamiProfessor of Psychiatry & Chairman Institute of PsychiatryMahmood Ali Jafri, Fareed A. Minhas, Asad Tamizuddin, Munir A. Slatch and Faiza Mujeeb. (October 2011) Knowledge of Depression among Community Members and Health Care Providers in Two Selected Areas of District Rawalpindi.
8Benazir Bhutto Hospital, RawalpindiInstitute of PsychiatryDr. Muhammad KashifAssociate Professor of PsychiatryBadur-un-Nisa MK, Khan TM. Level of Stress and its Association with Socio-Demographic Factors Among Students of Allied Health Sciences.
9Benazir Bhutto Hospital, RawalpindiInstitute of PsychiatryDr. Muhammad KashifAssociate Professor of PsychiatryKhalid H, Zahra R, Kashif M, Minhas FA. Impact of Psychiatric Education and Training on Attitude of Medical Students Towards Psychiatry as a Career Choice Before and after Rotation. Journal of Pakistan Psychiatric Society. 2018 oct 1;15(4).
10Benazir Bhutto Hospital, RawalpindiInstitute of PsychiatryDr. Muhammad KashifAssociate Professor of PsychiatryKashif M, Minhas FA, Khalid H, Aslam F. Early Signs and Symptoms of Alzheimer Disease. Sleep. 2009 Feb;35:77-.
11Benazir Bhutto Hospital, RawalpindiInstitute of PsychiatryDr. Muhammad KashifAssociate Professor of PsychiatryJaved H, Arshad D, Dhillon AI, Rishi AI, Zaidi SM, Kashif M. Factors Affecting Happiness among Students of Rawalpindi Medical University: A Cross-Sectional Study. Journal of Rawalpindi Medical College. 2019 Dec 14;23(S-2).
12Benazir Bhutto Hospital, RawalpindiInstitute of PsychiatryDr. Muhammad KashifAssociate Professor of PsychiatryAwais A, Nadeem N, Mehmood MK, Younus A. Psychiatry as a Career Choice Amna Awais1, Neha Nadeem1, Muhammad Kashif Mehmood 1, Ayesha. Journal of Rawalpindi Medical College. 2019 Feb 18;23(S-1):28-33.
13Benazir Bhutto Hospital, RawalpindiInstitute of PsychiatryDr. Muhammad Azeem RaoAssociate Professor of PsychiatryEhsan A, Iqbal F, Rao MA. Frequency and risk factors of internet addiction in medical students: a cross-sectional study. Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association. 2021 Dec 29;71(8):2111-.
14Benazir Bhutto Hospital, RawalpindiInstitute of PsychiatryDr. Muhammad Azeem RaoAssociate Professor of PsychiatryZubair UB, Khan MA, Jalil A, Kamal A, Nizami A, Minhas F, Tasleem S. Relationship of suicide attempt with depression and other socio-demographic factors among the trans-genders. Journal of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad. 2019 Nov 1;31(4):576-9.
15Benazir Bhutto Hospital, RawalpindiInstitute of PsychiatryDr. Muhammad Azeem RaoAssociate Professor of PsychiatryRao Azeem UB, Jalil A, Kamal A, Nizami A, Minhas F. Prevalence of suicide ideation and its relationship with depression among transgender population. Journal of the College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan. 2019;29(4):349-52.
16Benazir Bhutto Hospital, RawalpindiInstitute of PsychiatryDr. Muhammad Azeem RaoAssociate Professor of PsychiatryKhan MA, Jalil A, Zubair UB, Tasleem S, ul Haq I, Afzal S. Prevalence and correlates of depression among the trans-genders of Pakistan. Journal of Rawalpindi Medical College. 2020 Sep 30;24(3):181-6.
17Benazir Bhutto Hospital, RawalpindiInstitute of PsychiatryDr. Muhammad Azeem RaoAssociate Professor of PsychiatryJalil A, Khan MA, Farhan A, Jalil A, Jalil H, Elahi F. A Comparative Study on the Sensitivity of D-Dimer with Doppler ultrasound in the Diagnosis of Deep Venous Thrombosis. 2022 Sep 30;26(3):343-7.
18Benazir Bhutto Hospital, RawalpindiInstitute of PsychiatryDr. Mahmood Ali KhanAssistant Professor of PsychiatryJafri MA, Minhas FA, Tamiz-ud-Din A, Slatch MA, Mujeeb F. Knowledge of depression among community members and health care providers in two selected areas of district Rawalpindi. J Col Physicians Surg Pak. 2011 Dec 1;21(12):756-9.
19Benazir Bhutto Hospital, RawalpindiInstitute of PsychiatryDr. Sadia YasirAssistant Professor of PsychiatryNizami AT, Hassan TM, Yasir S, Rana MH, Minhas FA. Terrorism in Pakistan: the psychosocial context and why it matters. BJPsych international. 2018 Feb;15(1):20-2.
20Benazir Bhutto Hospital, RawalpindiInstitute of PsychiatryDr. Sadia YasirAssistant Professor of PsychiatryYasir S, Yasir SB, Haider N, Fatima S, Mazhar M, Chaudhry S, Nizami AT. Magnitude of Neurocognitive Impairment and Severity of Depression in Geriatric Population. Biomedica. 2020 Dec 1;36(4):400.
21Benazir Bhutto Hospital, RawalpindiInstitute of PsychiatryDr. Sadia YasirAssistant Professor of PsychiatryNizami AT, Hassan TM, Yasir S, Rana MH, Minhas FA. Terrorism in Pakistan: the psychosocial context and why it matters. BJPsych international. 2018 Feb;15(1):20-2.
22Benazir Bhutto Hospital, RawalpindiInstitute of PsychiatryDr. Sadia YasirAssistant Professor of PsychiatryHaider N, Mansoor S, Saadat S, Minhas FA, Fatima S, Yasir S, Malik Q. Depression And Diabetes: A Loosing Combination SAS J. Med., Volume-3; Issue-2 (Feb, 2017); p-42-48.
23Benazir Bhutto Hospital, RawalpindiInstitute of PsychiatryDr. Sadia YasirAssistant Professor of PsychiatryRizwan-Ul-Husnain M, Yasir S, Fatima S, Slatch MA. Frequency of Vitamin D Deficiency in Patient with Depression. Age (years).;39(12.1):40-1.
24Benazir Bhutto Hospital, RawalpindiInstitute of PsychiatryDr. Sadia YasirAssistant Professor of PsychiatryYasir S, Fatima G, Umar Z, Tahir Z, Malik Q, Maqsood A, Muhammad S. Assessment of Severity of Anxiety and Depression in COVID-19 Patients Admitted to Rawalpindi Medical University and Allied Hospitals Rawalpindi Pakistan. Pakistan Journal of Medical & Health Sciences. 2022 Dec 29;16(11):296-.
25Benazir Bhutto Hospital, RawalpindiInstitute of PsychiatryDr. Zona TahirAssistant ProfessorYasir S, Fatima G, Umar Z, Tahir Z, Malik Q, Maqsood A, Muhammad S. Assessment of Severity of Anxiety and Depression in COVID-19 Patients Admitted to Rawalpindi Medical University and Allied Hospitals Rawalpindi Pakistan. Pakistan Journal of Medical & Health Sciences. 2022 Dec 29;16(11):296-.
26Benazir Bhutto Hospital, RawalpindiInstitute of PsychiatryDr. Zona TahirAssistant ProfessorUmar Z, Tahir Z, Nizami A. Impact of severe mental illnesses on health-related quality of life among patients attending the Institute of Psychiatry, Rawalpindi from 2019 to 2021: A cross-sectional study. Plos one. 2023 Aug 3;18(8):e0289080.
27Benazir Bhutto Hospital, RawalpindiInstitute of PsychiatryDr. Zona TahirAssistant ProfessorAfzal S, Nizami AT, Shabbir F, Najeeb B, Fatima A, Tahir Z. IMPACT OF CREATING MENTAL HEALTH HELPLINE AT A TERTIARY CARE PSYCHIATRIC SET-UP IN PAKISTAN DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC. Journal of Pakistan Psychiatric Society. 2024 Jun 30;21(02).
28Benazir Bhutto Hospital, RawalpindiInstitute of PsychiatryDr. Sara AfzalSenior Registrar of PsychiatryKhan MA, Jalil A, Zubair UB, Tasleem S, Ul Haq I, Afzal S. Prevalence And Correlates Of Depression Among The Trans-Genders Of Pakistan. Journal Of Rawalpindi Medical College. 2020 Sep 30;24(3):181-6.
29Benazir Bhutto Hospital, RawalpindiInstitute of PsychiatryDr. Sara AfzalSenior Registrar of PsychiatryHamdan QU, Nizami AT, Umar Z, Afzal S, Mazhar M, Yasir S. Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Outpatient Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service at a Tertiary Care Hospital of Pakistan. Pakistan Armed Forces Medical Journal. 2023 Jun 22;73(3):818-21.
30Benazir Bhutto Hospital, RawalpindiInstitute of PsychiatryDr. Sara AfzalSenior Registrar of PsychiatryAfzal S, Nizami AT, Shabbir F, Najeeb B, Fatima A, Tahir Z. IMPACT OF CREATING MENTAL HEALTH HELPLINE AT A TERTIARY CARE PSYCHIATRIC SET-UP IN PAKISTAN DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC. Journal of Pakistan Psychiatric Society. 2024 Jun 30;21(02).
31Benazir Bhutto Hospital, RawalpindiInstitute of PsychiatryDr. Sara AfzalSenior Registrar of PsychiatryYasir S, Jafri M, Najeeb B, Nizami AT, Malik MF, Afzal S. A 10-YEAR STUDY OF LENGTH OF STAY OF PSYCHIATRIC ADMISSIONS IN A TERTIARY CARE HOSPITAL IN RAWALPINDI. Journal of Pakistan Psychiatric Society. 2024 Dec 27;21(04).

List of Events

  1. 24th International Psychiatric Conference “Mental Health to Global Mental Health” Pakistan Psychiatric Society. 2nd and 3rd January, 2025. Hosted by the Institute of Psychiatry.
  2. Launch event of “The SCIMITAR-South Asia Programme to Address Tobacco-Related Multiple Long-Term Conditions in Severe Mental Illness. 15th February, 2025

Audit Report