University Residency Program

On up-gradation of Rawalpindi Medical College to Rawalpindi Medical University on 5th May, 2017, Residency Program of Rawalpindi Medical University was launched to offer rigorous and vibrant postgraduate degree programs. Our University Residency Program entails MS, MD, M.Phil, PhD, Certificate and Diploma courses. These residency programs are meant to get our residents well equipped with knowledge and skills deemed inevitable to compete with international doctors and to improve the healthcare of the nation.
Rawalpindi Medical University provide excellent opportunities to its postgraduate residents and worthy faculty for scholarships, linkages and collaborations with the renowned universities of the world ranking high in research projects. The faculty members are actively engaged in several training and research programs with universities/institutions/centers in the technologically advanced countries.
The University provides excellent academic facilities through its fully equipped laboratories, library, museums, information technology facility, video conferencing, besides good logistic facilities at departments, hostels and the campus in general.
We hope that joining the Rawalpindi Medical University & enrollment in University Residency Program will pave the way of upcoming generation towards new horizon of excellence and prosperity.
To provide residents with a comprehensive structured education and training in both basic and clinical sciences that will enable the resident to become competent and proficient.
To disseminate best services and bring innovation in treatment and preventive strategies through research that spans fundamental discovery, health care services and knowledge mobilization
1. Recognize the significance of concerned specialty in the context of health needs of the community and national priorities in the health sector
2. Practice the concerned specialty ethically and in compliance with steps of primary health care
3. Promote system based practice and patient safety
4. Advocate for appropriate health resource allocation
5. Identify social, economic, environmental, biological and emotional determinants of health while dealing with patients and take them into consideration before application of therapeutic, rehabilitative and preventive measures
6. Diagnose and manage the patients on the basis of clinical assessment and appropriate investigations
7. Demonstrate empathy and humane approach towards patients and their families
8. Express interpersonal behavior according to societal norms and expectations
9. Implement national health programs effectively and responsibly
10. Organize and supervise the chosen/assigned health care services demonstratingadequate managerial skills in the clinic / hospital / community
11. Develop skills as a self-directed learner, recognize continuing education needs; selectand use appropriate learning resources
12. Function as an effective leader of a health team engaged in health care, research and training
13. Elaborate innovative knowledge about diseases of their specialty in the context of technological and pharmacological advances
Regulations, Curriculum and Syllabus of Postgraduate Medical Courses. Kerala University of Health Science
· MD – Doctor of Medicine
· MS – Master of Surgery
· M.Phil – Master of Philosophy
· PhD – Doctor of Philosophy
Ongoing and Proposed Residency programs of RMU with their proposed duration are mentioned below:
SR # | Residency Programs | Duration |
1. | MD Paediatrics | 4 years |
2. | MD Medicine | 4 years |
3. | MD Gastroenterology | 5 years |
4. | MD Cardiology | 5 years |
5. | MD Radiology | 4 years |
6. | MD Nephrology | 5 years |
7. | MD Dermatology | 5 years |
8. | MS Ophthalmology | 5 years |
9. | MS Gynaecology / Obstetrics | 4 years |
10. | MS ENT | 4 years |
11. | MS Orthopaedic Surgery | 5 years |
12. | MS Neurosurgery | 5 years |
13. | MS Plastic Surgery | 5 years |
14. | MS PaediatricSurgery | 5 years |
15. | MS General Surgery | 4 years |
16. | MS Urology | 5 years |
17. | MS Anaesthesiology | 4 years |
18. | M.Phil Microbiology | 2 years |
SR # | MS Programs | Duration |
1. | MD Infectious Diseases | 5 years |
2. | MD Pulmonology | 5 years |
3. | MD Critical care Medicine | 5 years |
4. | MD Psychiatry | 4 years |
5. | MS Emergency Medicine | 5 years |
6. | Community medicine | 2 years |
7. | Pharmacology | 2 years |
8. | Anatomy | 2 years |
9. | Physiology | 2 years |
10. | Biochemistry | 2 years |
11. | Histopathology | 2 years |
12. | Chemical Pathology | 2 years |
13. | Haematology | 2 years |
14. | PhD Microbiology | 6 years |
15. | MSc. Pain Medicine | 2 years |
16. | Masters in Health Professions Education (MHPE) | 2 years |
17. | Diploma in Child Health (DCH) | 2 years |
18. | Diploma in Medical Jurisprudence (DMJ) | 2 years |
19. | Diploma in Medical Radio Diagnosis (DMRD) | 2 years |
20. | Diploma in Anaesthesia (DA) | 2 years |
Curricula of both ongoing and proposed Residency Programs have been prepared by subject specialists in compliance with objectives of University Residency Program. These curricula can be viewed by all residents on RMU website (www.rmur.edu.pk.)
Curricula of Residency Programs at Rawalpindi Medical University
These curricula are designed and finalized by worthy Dean of respective departments with consensus and discussion of their dedicated faculty in alignment with ACGME (Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education) 1guidelines that are tracked in order to ensure acquisition of our residents by all the 6 core competencies which are:
1. Medical Knowledge
2. Patient care
3. Interpersonal & Communication skills
4. Professionalism
5. Practice Based Learning & Improvement
6. System Based Practice
WFME Global Standards for Quality Improvement in Post-graduate Medical Education
World Federation for Medical Education (WFME)2 recommends the following set of global standards for Post-graduate medical education according to 9 areas. These areas are defined as broad components in the structure, process and outcome of post-graduate medical education and training. These are:
1. Mission and outcomes
2. Training process
3. Assessment of Trainees
4. Trainees
5. Staffing
6. Training settings and Educational resources
7. Evaluation of Training process
8. Governance & Administration
9. Continuous Renewal
Intended users of these standards are Authorities, organizations and institutions with responsibility for postgraduate medical education. This 9 set of international standards can be used globally as a tool for quality assurance and development of postgraduate medical education in the following ways:
1. Self-evaluation of Programs
2. peer review
3. Combination of self-evaluation and External Peer review
4. Recognition and Accreditation
1. ACGME Guidelines Available at:
2. WFME Global Standards for Quality improvement in Post-graduate Medical Education Available at: https://wfme.org/publications/wfme-global-standards-for-quality-improvement-pgme-2015/.
Residents / postgraduate medical trainees are enrolled in training program in compliance with Punjab Residency Program Guidelines available at: http://prp.punjab.gov.pk/. These guidelines are also mentioned in detail in Program Director Guide.
Total 139 residents are doing postgraduate training in 3 teaching hospital hospitals of Rawalpindi Medical University. All these trainees are registered with UHS. However, 6 trainees enrolled in Rawalpindi Institute of Cardiology (RIC) are doing rotations in RMU affiliated Allied Hospitals.
As per specifications in Curricula designed by respective specialists of all the departments, all university residents excluding those doing M.Phil have to appear in Abridged or Intermediate exam apart from their final examination which is to be held by the end of training.
University residents will appear either in abridged or intermediate exam depending on their training program. However, residents fulfilling the specified criteria for these exam will be eligible to appear.
6 monthly TOACS Assessment of all RMU residents will be carried out in all clinical disciplines.
This Abridged examination will be carried out on completion of one year of postgraduate training in the following disciplines:
1. Ophthalmology
2. ENT
3. Obstetrics & Gynecology
4. Radiology
5. Paediatrics
6. Psychiatry
7. Oral & Maxillofacial surgery
Eligibility Criteria:
The candidate must:
1. Have submitted certificate of completion of mandatory workshops
2. Have submitted certificate of completion of first 1 year of training from the supervisor
3. Have submitted assessment proforma from the supervisor on 3 monthly basis achieving a cumulative score of 75%
4. Have submitted certificate of submission of synopsis
5. Have submitted evidence of payment of examination fee
Abridged Examination Schedule and Fee
Abridged examination at completion of one year of training will be held twice a year.
There will be a minimum period of 30 days between submission of application for the examination and conduction of examination.
Examination fee will be determined periodically by the University.
The examination fee once deposited cannot be refunded / carried over to the next examination under any circumstances.
The Controller of Examination will issue roll number slips on receipt of prescribed application form, documents satisfying eligibility criteria and evidence of payment of examination fee.
Abridged Examination
This exam will consist of:
MCQs examination Total marks 300
Video-Projected Clinical Examination Total marks 50
Multiple Choice Questions of Abridged Examination
There will be 150 single best answer type MCQs with total marks of 300. The MCQs will be derived from the different subjects as follows:
a) For the abridged exam in MD Paediatrics
Principles of General Paediatrics 100 Questions
Basic Sciences 50 Questions
(Physiology, Pharmacology, Pathology
b) For the abridged exam in MD Psychiatry
Principles of General Medicine 100 Questions
Basic Sciences 50 Questions
(Physiology, Pharmacology, Pathology
c) For the abridged exam in MD Radiology
Principles of General Medicine 50 Questions
Principles of General Surgery 50 Questions
Physics applied to Radiology 50 Questions
d) For the abridged exam in MS Ophthalmology, Otorhinolaryngology, Gynaecology / Obstetrics and MDS in Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
Principles of General Surgery 100 Questions
Basic Sciences 50 Questions
(Anatomy, Physiology, Pharmacology, Pathology)
Each correct answer to MCQ will carry 2 marks but an incorrect response will result in deduction of 0.5 marks. The duration for this examination will be 150 minutes or as decided periodically by the Academic Council.
The candidate scoring 50% marks will pass the written examination and will then be eligible to appear in the Video-Projected Clinical Examination.
Four attempts (availed or unavailed) will be allowed to pass the written examination on 3 consecutive subsequent occasions.
Video-Projected Clinical Examination (VPCE)
The VPCE will comprise of 25 video / slides of clinical material and scenarios. These video / slides will consist of data and images derived from different subjects as follows:
a) For MD Paediatrics it will consist of
VPCE from Paediatrics
VPCE from sub-specialties of Paediatrics
b) For MD Radiology it will consist of
VPCE from General Medicine
VPCE from General Surgery
VPCE from Radiology
c) For MD Psychiatry it will consist of
VPCE from General Medicine
VPCE from Psychiatry
d) For MS Ophthalmology, Otorhinolaryngology, Gynaecology / Obstetrics and MDS in Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, it will consist of
VPCE from General Surgery
VPCE from the subject of relevant specialty
Each video / slide will have one question and a correct response will carry 2 marks but an incorrect response will result in deduction of 0.5 marks.
The total marks for this component of examination will be 50.
The candidates scoring 50% marks in VPCE will pass this part of the abridged examination.
Declaration of Result
i. The candidate will have to score 50% marks in written and 50% marks in the Video Projected Clinical examination with a cumulative score of 60% to be declared successful in the abridged examination. Cumulative score of 60% marks to be calculated by adding up secured marks of each component of the examination and then calculating its percentage.
ii. A maximum of total 4 consecutive attempts (availed or unavailed) will be allowed in the abridged examination during which the candidate will be allowed to continue his training program. If the candidate fails to pass his abridged examination within the above mentioned limit of 4 consecutive attempts, the candidate shall be removed from the training program, and the seat would fall vacant, stipend / scholarship if any would be stopped.
This Intermediate examination will be conducted on completion of two years of postgraduate training in the following disciplines:
1. General medicine
2. General surgery
3. Community medicine
4. Cardiology
5. Dermatology
6. Gastroenterology
7. Neurology
8. Pulmonology
9. Anaesthesiology
10. Cardiac surgery
11. Neurosurgery
12. Orthopaedic surgery
13. Paediatric surgery
14. Plastic surgery
15. Urology
Eligibility Criteria:
The candidate must:
Have submitted certificate of completion of mandatory workshops
Have submitted certificate of completion of first 2 years of training from the supervisor / supervisors during rotation
Have submitted CIS assessment proforma from the supervisor on 3 monthly basis and also from the supervisor during rotation achieving a cumulative score of 75%
Have submitted certificate of approval of synopsis
Undertaking / affidavit that if synopsis is not approved within 30 days of submission of application for intermediate exam, the candidate will not be allowed to take the examinations and shall be removed from the training program
Have submitted evidence of payment of examination fee
Intermediate Examination Schedule and Fee
Intermediate examination at completion of 2 years of training will be held twice a year.
There will be a minimum period of 30 days between submission of application for the examination and the conduction of examination.
Examination fee will be determined periodically by the University.
The examination fee once deposited cannot be refunded / carried over to the next examination under any circumstances.
The Controller of Examination will issue roll number slips on receipt of prescribed application form, documents satisfying eligibility criteria and evidence of payment of examination fee.
Intermediate Examination
This exam will consist of:
Written examination
Oral & clinical examination
Written Part of Intermediate Examination
The candidates of MD Program will appear in the subject of Principles of General Medicine. The candidates of MS / MDS programs will appear in the subject of Principles of General Surgery. The candidates of Anaesthesiology will appear in the paper with 50% questions from the subject of Principles of General Medicine and 50% from the subject of Principles of General Surgery. The written examination will consist of 100 single best answer type MCQs and 10 SEQs. Each correct answer in the MCQ paper will carry 02 marks but an incorrect response will result in deduction of 0.5 marks. The SEQs examination will be clinical scenario or practical based and each question will carry 10 marks.
The total marks of the written examination will be 300 and to be divided as follows:
Multiple Choice Questions paper Total Marks = 200
Short Essay Question paper Total Marks = 100
The Multiple Choice Questions will be derived from different subjects as follows:
a) For Intermediate Examination in Medicine & Allied specialties
Principles of General Medicine 70 Questions
Specialty specific (Medical Allied Specialties) 10 Questions
Basic Sciences 20 Questions
(Physiology, Pharmacology, Pathology)
b) For the Examinations in Surgery & Allied Specialties
Principles of General Surgery 70 Questions
Specialty specific (Surgical Allied Specialties) 10 Questions
Basic Sciences 20 Questions
(Anatomy, Pharmacology, Pathology)
The candidates scoring 50% marks in MCQ paper and 50% marks in SEQ paper will pass the written examination and will be eligible to appear in the clinical and oral examination.
Clinical & Oral Part of Intermediate Examination
The clinical examination will evaluate patient care competencies in detail.
A panel of four examiners will be appointed by the Vice Chancellor and of these two will be from KEMU while two will be the external examiners. In case of difficulty in finding an internal examiner in a given subject, the Vice Chancellor would, in consultation with the concerned Deans will appoint any relevant person inside / outside the University as an examiner.
The examination will be of 200 total marks consisting of the following components:
a) Four short cases Total marks = 100
b) One long case Total marks = 50
c) Oral examination Total marks = 50
Each short case will be of 7 minutes duration while 5 minutes will be for examining the patient and 2 minutes for discussion.
The long case and oral examination will each be of 15 minutes duration.
The candidate scoring 50% marks in each component of the clinical & oral examination will pass this part of Intermediate examination.
Declaration of Result
i. The candidate will have to score 50% marks in written and 50% marks in the clinical and oral examination with a cumulative score of 60% to be declared successful in the Intermediate examination. Cumulative score of 60% marks to be calculated by adding up secured marks of each component of the examination and then calculating its percentage.
ii. A maximum of total 4 consecutive attempts (availed or unavailed) will be allowed in the Intermediate examination during which the candidate will be allowed to continue his training program. If the candidate fails to pass his intermediate examination within the above mentioned limit of 4 consecutive attempts, the candidate shall be removed from the training program, and the seat would fall vacant, stipend / scholarship if any would be stopped.
Registration for Post Abridged & Intermediate Examination Training
· The candidate will register for the second phase of training by submitting application for registration along with result of passing Intermediate / Abridged Examination results to the Registrar’s office as early as possible as but no later than 90 days after the declaration of Intermediate / Abridged Examination results.
· Initiation of research will be intimated by the candidate to the Registrar.
· The fee structure for this phase of training will be as follows:
– Tuition fee will be deposited in advance on yearly basis
– Hostel fee if University accommodation availed
– Utilities charges to paid if hostel accommodation availed
· Failure to deposit fee will result in termination of training. However, a grace period of 30 days may be granted in exceptional circumstances.
The Candidate will appear in final examination on completion of training.
Eligibilty Criteria
The candidate shall be required to have:
· Submitted the result card of passing Abridged / Intermediate Examinaiton
· Submitted the certificate of completion of training issued by the superviosr (see Appendix)
· Achieved a cumulative score of 75% in Continuous Internal Assessments of all trainig years (see Appendix)
· Got the thesis accepted and will then be eligible to appear in Final Examination
· Submitted no dues certificate from all relevant departments including library, hostel, cashier etc.
· Submitted evidence of submission of examinaiton fee.
Final Examinaiton Schedule & Fee
· Final examination will be held twice a year.
· The candidate has to satisfy eligibilty criteria before permission is granted to take the examination.
· Examination fee will be determined and varied at periodic intervals by the University.
· The examination fee once deposited cannot be refunded / carreid over to the next examinataion under any circumstances.
· The Controller of Examination will issue an Admittance Card with a photograph of the candidate on receipt of prescribed application form, documents satisfying eligibility criteria and evidence of payment of examination fee. The card will also show the Roll Number, date / time and venue of examination.
Components of Final Examination
Written part of Final examination Total marks 500
Clinical & Oral part of Final examination Total marks 500
Contribution of CIS to the Final examination Total marks 100
Thesis Evaluation Total marks 400
Written Part Of Final Examination
There will be two written papers which will cover the whole syllabus of the specialty of training with total marks of 500.
The written examination will consist of 200 single best MCQs and 10 SEQs. Each correct answer in th MCQ paper will carry 02 marks but an incorrect response will result in deduction of 0.5 marks. Each SEQ will carry 10 marks.
The total marks of written examination will be 500 and to be divided as follows:
Multiple Choice Question paper Total marks = 400
Short Essay Question paper Total marks = 100
The candidate scoring 50% marks in MCQ paper and SEQ paper will pass the written part of the final examination and will be eligible to appear in the clinical and oral examination.
The written part result will be valid for three consecutive attempts for appearing in the Clinical and oral part of the final examination. After that the candidate will have to re-sit the written part of the final examination.
Clinical & Oral part of the Final Examinaiton
a) The clinical and oral examination will consist of 4 short cases. 1 long case and oral examination with 01 station for a pair of internal and external examiner. Each short case will be of 7 minutes duration, 5 minutes will be for examining the patient and 2 minutes for discussion. (The short cases in the Radiology examination will be rapid reporting sessions each of one minute duration. Each long case will be of 15 minutes duration. The long cases in Radiology examination will mean the long reporting sessions each of 10 minutes duration). The oral examination will consist of laboratory data assessment,interpretation of Radiology images, ECG and others.
b) The total marks of Clincial and Oral examination will be 500 and to be divided as follows:
Short cases Total marks = 300
Long case Total marks = 120
Oral examination Total marks = 80
c) A panel of 4 examiners will be appointed by the Vice Chancellor and of these 2 will be from KEMU while the other 2 will be external examiners. Internal examiner will act as a coordinator. in case of difficulty in finding an internal examiner in a given subject, the Vice Chancellor in consultation with the concerned Deans appoint any relevant person with appropriate qualification and experience outside the University as an examiner.
d) The internal ezxamiers will not examine the candidate for whom they were supervisors and will be substituted by othe internal ezaminer.
e) The candidates scoring 50% marks in each component of the Clinical & Oral examination will pass this part of the Final examination.
f) The candidates who fail in clinical and oral examination will have to re-appear in both the written and clincial & oral examination.
g) The candidates will have 2 attempts to pass the final examination with normal fee.
Declaration of Result
For the declaration of result
i. The candidate must get his thesis accepted.
ii. The candidate must have passed the final written examination with 50% marks and the clinical & oral examination scoring 50% marks. The cumulative passing score from the written and clinical / oral examination shall be 60%. Cumulative score of 60% marks to be calculated by adding up secured marks of each component of the examination and then calculating its percentage.
iii. The MS / MD / MDS degree shall be awarded after acceptance of thesis and success in the final examination.
iv. On completion of stipulated training period, irrespective of the result (pass or fail) the training slot of the candidate shall be declared vacant.